vs. Curves

06/07/2012 8:00 pm - Field: 8

1234567 R
Curves350104013 1330122 12

Player Stats

Cory L44300030000.7500.7500.7501.5002.25
jeremy.jpgJeremy - 9594 Posts
06/09/2012 @ 02:08:03 PM
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hoochpage.JPGSarah - So's your face
06/11/2012 @ 09:58:42 PM
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Where are my horrible stats?
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matt.jpgMatt - Ombudsman
06/12/2012 @ 02:11:37 PM
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I was going to enter them in today.... now, maybe I won't. emoticon
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Matt screwed with this at 06/12/2012 2:15:36 pm
matt.jpgMatt - 3991 Posts
06/12/2012 @ 02:22:56 PM
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Stats are up.
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jeremy.jpgJeremy - Cube Phenomenoligist
06/12/2012 @ 02:43:09 PM
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/me flexes
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scott.jpgScott - If you aren't enough without it, you'll never be enough with it.
06/12/2012 @ 03:14:17 PM
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isn't curves a gym just for women?
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thumbnailCAW1I0O3.gifMatt - 3991 Posts
06/12/2012 @ 04:36:14 PM
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Sabermatricians need to come up with some sort of statistical adjustment for left-handed hitters in co-ed softball leagues. emoticon
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Matt perfected this at 06/12/2012 4:36:39 pm
sarah.jpgSarah - So's your face
06/12/2012 @ 05:42:19 PM
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Sarah Wrote - Yesterday @ 09:58:42 PM
Where are my horrible stats?

Yuck, those are disgusting. My apologies to all involved.
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2887.gifAlex - But let history remember, that as free men, we chose to make it so!
06/12/2012 @ 09:00:36 PM
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Sarah Wrote - Today @ 05:42:19 PM
Sarah Wrote - Yesterday @ 09:58:42 PM
Where are my horrible stats?

Yuck, those are disgusting. My apologies to all involved.

Maybe you should be sacrifice bunting...
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sarah.jpgSarah - 4718 Posts
06/12/2012 @ 09:22:17 PM
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Well it would have to be a swinging bunt, but yes, I should try something. Maybe should be moved around in the line up (batting 2nd) because I was the 3rd out 3 out of the 4 times I was up. #Fail
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jeremy.jpgJeremy - 9594 Posts
06/13/2012 @ 11:06:51 AM
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Matt Wrote - Yesterday @ 04:36:14 PM

Sabermatricians need to come up with some sort of statistical adjustment for left-handed hitters in co-ed softball leagues. emoticon


Sarah Wrote - Yesterday @ 09:22:17 PM
Well it would have to be a swinging bunt, but yes, I should try something. Maybe should be moved around in the line up (batting 2nd) because I was the 3rd out 3 out of the 4 times I was up. #Fail

You're doing fine.
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scott.jpgScott - Get Up! Get outta here! Gone!
06/13/2012 @ 11:56:51 AM
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Sarah Wrote - Yesterday @ 09:22:17 PM
Well it would have to be a swinging bunt, but yes, I should try something. Maybe should be moved around in the line up (batting 2nd) because I was the 3rd out 3 out of the 4 times I was up. #Fail

show bunt, just to mess with them. Then butcher boy it over the confused thirdbaseman's head who inwittingly is charging your would be illegal bunt attempt.

In other news, I will say that I am jealous and miss playing in this softball league. I am currently alternating in a company golf league and Sailing Racing league on Lake Winnebago on Tuesday nights, and I'm playing in a kickball league in August, but nothing was more fun than the few of seasons I played in softball leagues. So, Sarah, I'd say going 0-4 in a game in a softball league is still pretty much better than most other things you could be doing with your time.
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Scott perfected this 2 times, last at 06/13/2012 12:02:06 pm
hoochpage.JPGSarah - 4718 Posts
06/13/2012 @ 07:05:41 PM
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I'll see if I can't come up with some kind of bunt attempt, although lately that's about as hard as I've been able to hit it. (wah wah) Might get our first win this week since the other team might have to forfeit....emoticon
Softball can be fun, and I'm enjoying this year much more than the last few years since we aren't playing against a professional team every other game, it's actually been competitive.
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jon.jpgJon - 3497 Posts
06/14/2012 @ 12:05:35 AM
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Scott Wrote - Yesterday @ 11:56:51 AM
In other news, I will say that I am jealous and miss playing in this softball league.

I think I've included you on the roster at least once since you moved away. Melissa too. Miss you crazy kids.

Scott Wrote - Yesterday @ 11:56:51 AM
I am currently alternating in a company golf league and Sailing Racing league on Lake Winnebago on Tuesday nights...

Are you in any leagues that don't involve wearing a sweater and khakis?

or, how about this

Is the boat named the Mr. Beaumont?
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scott.jpgScott - 6225 Posts
06/14/2012 @ 08:05:10 AM
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Jon Wrote - Today @ 12:05:35 AM

Is the boat named the Mr. Beaumont?

For a guy that admits to not being a huge fan of Friends (right?) you do make some good, casual references to it somewhat often.
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scott.jpgScott - No, I did not change your screen saver settings
06/14/2012 @ 10:46:06 AM
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Jon Wrote - Today @ 12:05:35 AM

Scott Wrote - Yesterday @ 11:56:51 AM
I am currently alternating in a company golf league and Sailing Racing league on Lake Winnebago on Tuesday nights...

Are you in any leagues that don't involve wearing a sweater and khakis?

Does dressage count?
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jon.jpgJon - 3497 Posts
06/15/2012 @ 02:04:44 AM
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Scott Wrote - Yesterday @ 08:05:10 AM
Jon Wrote - Yesterday @ 12:05:35 AM

Is the boat named the Mr. Beaumont?

For a guy that admits to not being a huge fan of Friends (right?) you do make some good, casual references to it somewhat often.

You are correct. I can hardly tolerate it now. But I was a fan at one point. Actually thought it was the best show on tv for one of the early seasons. Not only did the show quality go way down in subsequent years, I feel that even the once-good seasons have held up very poorly over time.
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scott.jpgScott - Ma'am, can you make sure your computer is turned on?
06/15/2012 @ 08:09:31 AM
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I don't think I hardly ever watched it on NBC. I started catching the reruns, and since I'm quite certain I've seen 90% of the episodes. I agree that in general, the episodes from maybe the last 2 or 3 seasons aren't as good as the earlier episodes. Even some of the mid seasons were somewhat soap-opera-ish. It seems that early on they were just making shows from week to week. Towards the end, they were trying to find a way to make a good storyline to end it on and dragged it out for too long.

That being said, I still watch it at 4:00 and 4:30 on TBS. There's nothing else on at that time anyway.
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Scott screwed with this 2 times, last at 06/15/2012 8:10:42 am
thumbnailCAW1I0O3.gifMatt - Washington Bureau Chief
06/16/2012 @ 12:11:47 AM
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Scott Wrote - Yesterday @ 08:09:31 AM
That being said, I still watch it at 4:00 and 4:30 on TBS. There's nothing else on at that time anyway.


SportsNation on ESPN2 (though now that Michelle Beadle is gone, it's probably not worth watching anymore).
Pardon the Interruption on ESPN.
My choice, however, would be to watch The Five on Fox News.
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Matt screwed with this 2 times, last at 06/16/2012 12:13:54 am
scott.jpgScott - 6225 Posts
06/16/2012 @ 07:49:54 AM
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Matt Wrote - Today @ 12:11:47 AM

My choice, however, would be to watch The Five on Fox News.

So you watch their version of The View ?emoticon I have watched that show before, I can't quite get the point of it. They have 3 raging conservatives, an apparently (and unfunny) comedian, and the 4 of them just wait for Beckel to speak so they can make fun of him for some reason. Which I guess is indeed a lot like The View in reverse, but I don't watch that show either. Although, to be fair, I do put The Five on sometimes, but I have a tendency to develop health problems the more Eric Bolling speaks, so it's never on for very long.

But obviously, that's all just one man's opinion.
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Scott screwed with this 4 times, last at 06/16/2012 8:08:00 am
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