vs. Valleybrook

05/19/2009 8:00 pm - Field: 9

1234567 R
Valleybrook37402xx16 00000xx 0
Game over after 5 (Run Rule).

Player Stats

fry6beeu9.jpgJeremy - 9594 Posts
05/18/2009 @ 09:23:06 AM
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Game tomorrow!

Pro: We weren't the only team to lose big in week one.
Con: Almost every game was lopsided
Pro: We might be able to hang in there with Lancers*, Miller Chill*, RCU, and Eastside Hill
Con: Three teams put up 20+
Pro: scored the most runs of all the losing teams
Con: Valleybrook scored the most runs of any team. (They won 25 to 5)

*Assuming their low score was a true indication of batting potential, and not just that both teams have all-star caliber defense.
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Jeremy screwed with this at 05/18/2009 9:24:51 am
jeremy.jpgJeremy - As Seen On The Internet
05/18/2009 @ 09:33:49 AM
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Lots of lopsided scores on Wednesday too. I'm really not sure why they decided, since they didn't have enough teams, to consolidate flights 1 and 2 from each day, instead of combining the good leagues with the good league and picking wednesday or tuesday, and likewise with the "bad" league. There's no law saying we have to play on Tuesdays.

And just to nip it in the bud, this isn't a "boo hoo, baby won't have a good winning percentage because there's some competition now" complaint. There really is a rift between the leagues in terms of approach, talent, devotion, motivation, and all that. There are a handful of teams out there who hold a practice every week, who's only goal is to win the championship. Then there are teams like ours where, while we would obviously enjoy doing well more than getting slaughtered, it's more about having a fun activity to do and getting some exercise.
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scott.jpgScott - 6225 Posts
05/18/2009 @ 09:58:20 AM
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Jeremy Wrote - Today @ 10:23:06 AM
Con: Valleybrook scored the most runs of any team. (They won 25 to 5)

Leave it to a church team to run up the score.
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jeremy.jpgJeremy - Always thinking of, but never about, the children.
05/18/2009 @ 01:26:51 PM
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Well, anyone CAN score a ton, we put up some lopsided scores last year too, so it's a bit too early to panic. Still I'm not thrilled about combining the leagues. When one team is there to giggle and play grab ass, and the other is treating it like game 7 of the world series, it's just not as fun.
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Jeremy messed with this at 05/18/2009 1:27:11 pm
scott.jpgScott - 6225 Posts
05/18/2009 @ 02:01:00 PM
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is NutCan the "giggle and play grab ass" team?
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jeremy.jpgJeremy - 9594 Posts
05/18/2009 @ 02:04:12 PM
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Well, we must be doing something when we're supposed to be stopping grounders and catching line drives.
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avatar2345.jpgPackOne - No matter how many MC's I eat up ... oh, it's never enough.
05/18/2009 @ 06:40:21 PM
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Yeah, I think the merger is pretty lame myself. Kind of takes the fun out of it. We should protest. If anyone wants an untuckem bumper sticker Ill be bringing some tomorrow.
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fry6beeu9.jpgJeremy - 9594 Posts
05/19/2009 @ 11:14:23 PM
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They had 17 runs. One of the 3s should be a 4. (I think the first inning)
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matt.jpgMatt - Washington Bureau Chief
05/20/2009 @ 12:07:06 AM
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I was wrong about the inning by inning, but I think the total is right. We needed 7 runs in the last inning to avoid the run rule, so 16 would be correct.
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matt.jpgMatt - 3991 Posts
05/20/2009 @ 12:13:24 AM
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Stats are up.
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fry6beeu9.jpgJeremy - No one's gay for Moleman
05/20/2009 @ 01:25:17 AM
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avatar2345.jpgPackOne - 1528 Posts
05/20/2009 @ 04:32:23 PM
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That game was whack. On the plus side my legs aren't torn, so I should be okay for next week. Or maybe that's worse, I will let you decide.
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sarah.jpgSarah - How do you use these things?
05/20/2009 @ 05:22:04 PM
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I see you (Matt) counted that one play as a double... I don't think that's right if I didn't get a single for last week's game...
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matt.jpgMatt -'s MBL
05/20/2009 @ 07:43:49 PM
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Jon put it as a double in the book, and I consulted with him again before I put it up here.
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sarah.jpgSarah - 4718 Posts
05/20/2009 @ 07:58:59 PM
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Matt Wrote - Today @ 07:43:49 PM
Jon put it as a double in the book, and I consulted with him again before I put it up here.

So that makes it right?
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thumbnailCAW1I0O3.gifMatt - 3991 Posts
05/20/2009 @ 10:27:47 PM
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Yes, the decision was that, according to precedent, it counts as a double.
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sarah.jpgSarah - 4718 Posts
05/20/2009 @ 10:29:07 PM
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Matt Wrote - Today @ 10:27:47 PM
Yes, the decision was that, according to precedent, it counts as a double.

What precedent? I think we should all get veto rights, and I know a couple of people would veto.
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thumbnailCAW1I0O3.gifMatt - Washington Bureau Chief
05/20/2009 @ 10:33:24 PM
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Standard scoring rules mostly apply except, since we don't count errors, you get credit for the base you get to on the play.
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Matt perfected this at 05/20/2009 10:34:12 pm
jeremy.jpgJeremy - 9594 Posts
05/20/2009 @ 11:04:58 PM
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Well, "not counting errors" usually means that if a pop fly is dropped, or a grounder is bobbled, or something like that, we count it as a hit. Mainly, because, if not, there would be 5 legit hits, and 20 errors, a game, in this league. I don't think there's precedent for counting a single, plus an automatic base from an overthrow out of play, as a double. Not that it's that big of a deal.
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Jeremy screwed with this at 05/20/2009 11:38:11 pm
jon.jpgJon -'s kitten expert
05/21/2009 @ 04:38:22 AM
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Matt Wrote - Yesterday @ 10:33:24 PM
Standard scoring rules mostly apply except, since we don't count errors, you get credit for the base you get to on the play.
Jeremy Wrote - Yesterday @ 11:04:58 PM
Well, "not counting errors" usually means that if a pop fly is dropped, or a grounder is bobbled, or something like that, we count it as a hit. Mainly, because, if not, there would be 5 legit hits, and 20 errors, a game, in this league. I don't think there's precedent for counting a single, plus an automatic base from an overthrow out of play, as a double. Not that it's that big of a deal.

It seems a bit strange, but when I think about it, I don't really remember giving singles plus errors, and the like, last year, but maybe we did. I don't know. I don't really remember doing the opposite either. I just feel like last year the masses (although maybe just Jeremy) were telling me that basically the base you end up on is the hit we should count it as, if it's all one play.
Anyway, this will probably sound like I'm being more defensive that I actually am, but it's not like I'm giving matt extra bases because I like him more. I just thought I was staying consistent. Speaking of which, Sarah, we've never counted what happened to you as a hit. Though, I'm intrigued that you're concerned about Matt's total base count and are apparently ready with other supporters to caucus on the issue. I tell you what, if you and Matt are separated by a run for the slugging percentage title at the end of the year, I'll vote for a co-championship. Unless you're a run ahead I guess.

All that to say, I don't care whether it's a single or a double. I just felt like that was being consistent to the pre-established popular standards (GAAP?) but I could be wrong.

Matt Wrote - Yesterday @ 12:07:06 AM
I was wrong about the inning by inning, but I think the total is right. We needed 7 runs in the last inning to avoid the run rule, so 16 would be correct.

Correct. They scored 16. I remember because I joked that we didn't lose by 17.
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Jon messed with this 2 times, last at 05/21/2009 4:44:29 am
jeremy.jpgJeremy - 9594 Posts
05/21/2009 @ 08:30:05 AM
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Jon Wrote - Today @ 04:38:22 AM
I remember because I joked that we didn't lose by 17.

That must be what I remembered. At any rate I knew the inning by inning was wrong. So there.
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