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Patriots 32 @ Panthers 29
Sun, 2/1/04 12:00pm
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Patriots 32 @ Panthers 29

Carolina is the New England Patriots of this year. In case you are wondering that makes the New England Patriots the St. Louis Rams. I'm confused too. Do the Patriots get to keep all previous team records or do they inherit the Rams'?

I can't believe it's over. It's such a long time until we get more football again. Unfortunately we will have to pass the time watching sports that aren't fit to hold football's jock. For me next season will be the first season to not have that bittersweet "football is starting, but so is school" feeling to it, I’m not sure whether or not it’s a good thing.

Last year building the pages and tabulating everything took me about and hour a week. This year thanks to the new kick ass php Page 3 it took no time at all, I liked this year better.

I realize our picks pages were pretty much the Bread and Butter of Page 3 during the season, and I doubt we’ll still get 150 hits a day, but we’ve got some ideas of stuff to do in the mean time so keep coming back. And don’t say Jeremy never did nothing for the peoples.

P.S. Carolina wins it in triple a safety.
Carolina will win and they'll win big. Panthers 33 - Patriots 12
I've spent quite some time now thinking of reasons I should consider the Panthers. Although I don't think the game is a lock by any means, I don't have a compelling reason to pick against New England. The Patriots can handle a tough offense, as shown by their win over Indianapolis. And although Carolina's defense is good, I'm not sure it's good enough to beat New England. I expect Steve Smith or possibly Muhsin to break one big play, but I also expect New England's defense to make at least one big play.
Has anyone noticed how both these teams represent a region of the United States rather than just a city or even a state?
Ok, I gotta give it up to the boys from Carolina. I don't think a lot of people thought they could do it, but they went in to Philly and beat up on the boys who'd been to the Championship THREE years in a row. (including of course their last trip) I can't imagine what's going on in the Eagle's players heads. To get that far each year and be denied is quite the feat. Of course, I kind of felt it when the Packers kept getting their butts kicked by those evil Texans. (I am referring to the Cowboys of Dallas.) Oh well, I hope the Eagles never get there. Bastards. Anywho, I just saw the SI cover of McNabb and had to laugh because they got the jinx. But who was on the next cover? The Panthers. So, as much as I want the Panthers to win, I think it's going to go to the Patriots. Who isn't rooting for the Panthers? Just two years ago they were 1-15 and now look where they've gone. Well, I wish I had more insight, but I don't. It should be a good game, one that'll be won by the defense. Word.
matt.jpgMatt - Ombudsman
01/22/2004 @ 01:08:43 AM
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Jeremy writes - Carolina is the New England Patriots of this year.

Now where have I heard that before.....Oh, I remember now. I said it 2 weeks ago. 2003 Divisional Round picks - Carolina vs. St. Louis
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fry6beeu9.jpgJeremy - Always thinking of, but never about, the children.
01/22/2004 @ 01:24:02 AM
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It's also been said on TV about 100 times. What's your point?
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thumbnailCAW1I0O3.gifMatt - 3991 Posts
01/22/2004 @ 01:27:05 AM
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That I said it first.
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jeremy.jpgJeremy - The pig says "My wife is a slut?"
01/22/2004 @ 03:52:55 PM
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I doubt it =)
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fry6beeu9.jpgJeremy - No one's gay for Moleman
01/26/2004 @ 03:11:05 PM
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"The Green Bay Packers released their final set of weekly notes to the media. The season-ending release is packed with statistics on the team and players. One of the more interesting notes includes the odds of the Philadelphia Eagles converting a first down late in their playoff game against the Packers that eventually led to overtime and a 20-17 victory in the NFC Divisional playoffs.

With 2:30 left in the game and a 17-14 lead, the Packers faced a fourth-and-1 at the Eagles 41-yard line. The Packers tried unsuccessfully to draw the Eagles offside, took a delay of game, and punted, leaving the game in his defenses hands.
While some questioned Mike Shermans call right away, it didnt backfire until on the ensuing drive when the Eagles converted an unbelievable fourth-and-26, with 1:12 left.

What were the chances that Shermans decision was not the 'correct' call? David Dolan, an assistant professor of mathematics at the University of Wisconsin-Green Bay, using available NFL data estimates the odds of converting that play at that time were 1 in 339, according to the Packers press release. Dolan and his colleagues estimate a play like that would occur once every 60 years."

First off the logic is flawed in that the outcome of the call many plays later proves a call right or wrong. The call was wrong because a yard wins you the game, worst case scenario you give them the ball 30 yards out of field goal range instead of 50. You play to win the game.

Secondly the same play happened twice within 2 weeks of each other. I don't recall the rip in the fabric of time that caused 60 years to pass in, what seemed to me, like 2 weeks.

You can use stats to backup anything, and it certainly is an interesting tidbit that plays within 2 weeks of each other like that is a really bizarre set of events. I highly doubt, however, that the statistical occurrences of giving up 4th and 26 entered Sherman's mind when he elected to not try to end the game.

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scott.jpgScott - You're going to have to call your hardware guy. It's not a software issue.
01/28/2004 @ 03:11:24 PM
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Was the other 4th down play you refer to the Vikings-Cardinals one? And yes, the entire Packer Nation (pretty much all of America, come on, I mean what other team would anyone else root for?) felt that it was the wrong call. Not only does one yard win the game but: Bidwell's success of punting it inside the 20 had been quesitonable all season; they have THE BEST 3rd and 1/4th and 1 back in the league in Ahman Green(although he had been stopped twice in the game in those cases).

I'm going with Carolina. I also think that they are the 2002 Patriots of this year.
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matt.jpgMatt - Washington Bureau Chief
01/28/2004 @ 10:17:25 PM
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I think Carolina is actually more like the 2002 Angels and 2003 Marlins of Baseball, than they are of the 2002 Football Patriots.
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thumbnailCAW1I0O3.gifMatt - 3991 Posts
01/28/2004 @ 10:21:25 PM
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And by 2002 Patriots, I mean the 2001 season/2002 Super Bowl Team. Another reason why Football sucks. In Baseball, if you say the 2002 World Champion Anaheim Angels, everybody knows what season your talking about.
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2887.gificbizzle - I don't need to get steady I know just how I feel
01/28/2004 @ 10:47:24 PM
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scott.jpgScott - On your mark...get set...Terrible!
01/28/2004 @ 11:47:43 PM
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That is why Super Bowls have number on them instead of years. Not that I'm defending football, but just stating the facts.
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scott.jpgScott - You're going to have to call your hardware guy. It's not a software issue.
01/30/2004 @ 08:00:55 PM
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..........yup........I'm still going with the Panthers.........
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scott.jpgScott - 6225 Posts
01/31/2004 @ 09:32:21 AM
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Panthers 17 Patriots 16....

Rod Smart will return a kickoff. Vinatieri will miss a 51 yard fieldgoal with about 3 minutes left in the game that would have put the Patriots up 19-10, and Rodney Peete will replace the injured Jake Delhomme to drive the Panthers down the field and throw TD pass to Muhsin Muhammad with 23 seconds to win. Muhammad wins MVP award finishing with 124 receiving yards and a TD catch.
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newalex.jpgicbizzle - 3619 Posts
02/01/2004 @ 07:10:15 PM
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that fourth and inches call was B @$#%@$% S!
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question_mark.gifSarah & Jeremy (Guest)
02/01/2004 @ 07:58:37 PM
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It sure was, but then again that fumble by the Panthers wasn't called. Um yea... what happened at the end of the half time show? Was it what we thought it was, and if so was it planned?
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sarah.jpgSarah - 4718 Posts
02/01/2004 @ 09:34:43 PM
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I was rooting for the Panthers, at some point in the game, my view point changed and i really thought the Panthers were going to win. Kasay screwed them over big time. You NEVER kick a kickoff out of bounds. That's just stupid. Oh well, at least they covered the spread so Bill Simmon's streak has ended. One last game left, and I usually don't watch the whole thing. Also, the commercial where the football players and Jerry Jones sing Tomorrow, I had been waiting for that commercial the whole time. And then they short changed me by showing Al Harris and Mike Mckenzie for not even half a second. They showed all of the other players for like 5 seconds. What a gyp, I didn't even see them, I was too busy looking at the boat.
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question_mark.gifCory - 44 Posts
02/01/2004 @ 09:40:05 PM
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you don't go for 2 until you need to... John Fox is an idiot
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scott.jpgScott - 6225 Posts
02/01/2004 @ 10:33:35 PM
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I basically refused to watch the Halftime Show. What happened at the end? Also, the Panthers didn't necessarily get outplayed, rather they got outcoached. The Pats definitely earned the win though.

ps: the Packers would have beaten the PatsI DON'T CARE WHAT ANYONE ELSE THINKS!!!!!!!!!! =)
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jeremy.jpgJeremy - 9594 Posts
02/01/2004 @ 10:39:45 PM
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At the end of the performance Justin Timberlake ripped Janet Jackson's bra/chest plate off leaving one of her boobs just hanging there. She had nothing but like a sticker on her nipple. CBS claims they didn't know it was going to happen, I don't by it.

ps The Packers would have lost by 20 against the Panthers and 50 against the Patriots.
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scott.jpgScott - No, I did not change your screen saver settings
02/01/2004 @ 10:40:48 PM
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Not that stats matter:

On ESPN Insider there is a section called game simulator where you can simulate games for the week or set up custom matches to see what would have happened. I set up Packers vs. Patriots at Reliant Stadium and simulated it 8 times and the Packers won every time by an average margin of about 3 points. FYI.
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hoochpage.JPGSarah - How do you use these things?
02/01/2004 @ 10:46:51 PM
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That would've been awesome
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jeremy.jpgJeremy - 9594 Posts
02/02/2004 @ 12:15:18 AM
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Did the simulations have the Packers winning despite Favre's NFL record 15 interceptions in one game?

Now as for the real Super Bowl where neither of the teams sucked.

I started the game off deciding I was going to root for the Panthers because I like rooting for the underdog, I picked them, and I like to spread the love, the Pats just won one. By the end of the game I was living and dieing with the Panthers like they were the Vikings, when the game winning field goal went through I was legitimately heart broken. I even kind of hated the Patriots a little when they showed the Panthers on the sideline.

Some thoughts on the game:

How do you kickoff out of bounds?

Why with 1:30 left in the game just outside of the red zone to you take 3-4 stabs at the endzone like theres 10 seconds left.

If you looked at everything but the score, especially in the first half, you would think the Pats won 45-10.

Instead of a card describing all the different situations in which you go for 2 here is what coaches should have:


I think they could follow that.
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fry6beeu9.jpgJeremy - 9594 Posts
02/02/2004 @ 12:26:14 AM
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ps I think the media as found their replacement for idol worship when Favre retires.

Mike Vrabel clearly should have won the MVP.
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scott.jpgScott - No, I did not change your screen saver settings
02/02/2004 @ 08:51:03 AM
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I think everyone's (or at least those who express it) hatred and general disgust with the media is bording on obsession. It's almost becoming as bads what these people are complaining about. I don't think the media decided the MVP.
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question_mark.gifJohn Kasay (Guest)
02/02/2004 @ 11:35:20 AM
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How do you keep make spelling errors?
You never should make spelling errors.
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matt.jpgMatt - Ombudsman
02/02/2004 @ 11:43:52 AM
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My Superbowl MVP vote would have gone like this:

1. Mike Vrabel
2. Deion Branch
3. Tom Brady
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fry6beeu9.jpgJeremy - Cube Phenomenoligist
02/02/2004 @ 11:59:33 AM
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First off those were, for the most part, two distinct thoughts. Secondly I'm pretty sure the media does actually directly pick the MVP.
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scott.jpgScott - Ma'am, can you make sure your computer is turned on?
02/02/2004 @ 03:08:24 PM
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Not that I like the guy, but he did have like 350 yards and 3 tds. That's pretty decent.
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jeremy.jpgJeremy - 9594 Posts
02/02/2004 @ 03:21:54 PM
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Granted those are good numbers, but every week at least one QB has numbers like those. It's not too often that a linebacker gets a sack, a strip that leads to a touchdown, and a touchdown reception.
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jon.jpgJon - infinity + 1 posts
02/02/2004 @ 03:25:59 PM
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I'll comment now:

First of all, great game.

Second, doesn't the coach going for two too early ALWAYS come back to bite them? Did anyone else immediately think "mistake"?

Third,Sarah states:
"Kasay screwed them over big time. You NEVER kick a kickoff out of bounds. That's just stupid."

I doubt he was trying to kick out of bounds.

Fourth, Jeremy states:
"CBS claims they didn't know it was going to happen, I don't by it."

Are you serious? You think CBS wanted to spend a week apologizing to everyone a million times and sifting through countless emails and letters? I don't think the network stations readily sign off on breast exposure during the middle of a game that they know kids watch with their parents. I know they aren't exactly pillars of morality, but I just don't see them going that far.

Finally, when the kick went through and peopole were celebrating, my friend Paul yelled, "There's a flag!" and basically fooled everyone. He then did it again on the kickoff to similar success. Hilarious.
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jeremy.jpgJeremy - Robots don't say 'ye'
02/02/2004 @ 03:53:46 PM
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CBS gets to have their cake and eat it too. They get "shocking" TV that people will be talking about forever and can use MTV and the performers as scapegoats.

And, for the record, I also immediately thought mistake.

Here's Matt and my thoughts on it.

vItA10gY2: like the flow chart?
MatthewGP: no
MatthewGP: i would have gone for two
vItA10gY2: y?
MatthewGP: at that point they were struggling to score points so if they could make it a three point game it would be a plus. then even if you dont make it if you
scored a td like they did you would have another chance to get 2 to balance it out. chances are that you would convert 1 of the 2 chances

MatthewGP: you play to win the game
vItA10gY2: right, which is why you put points on the board
MatthewGP: it's a choice, a chance you take at that's not right, it's not wrong. You cant start judging using hindsight
vItA10gY2: you can when the same decision backfires 9 times out of ten later in games
MatthewGP: it wouldnt have mattered anyway
vItA10gY2: it would have changed how the game was played
MatthewGP: possibly, but probably not.....N.E would still have tried to score tds, which they did and so would Carolina
MatthewGP: if they decided to blitz one play instead of not, it would have changed how the game was played, but you dont know how or if at the time
vItA10gY2: but add 2 points and ne doesnt go for 2 and the fg sends it to ot
MatthewGP: add 3 points and the game changes also
vItA10gY2: the go for 2 too early thing is different then other things
MatthewGP: they missed both tries and still almost sent the game to ot
MatthewGP: when NE went on 4th and 1 it was early...if they got stopped then would it have been a bad call
vItA10gY2: not really
MatthewGP: you cant judge a decision by the results
MatthewGP: well you can but you know what i mean
vItA10gY2: im not
vItA10gY2: i was agiast them going b4 they did
vItA10gY2: and would have said it was stupid if they made it
MatthewGP: thats your opinion...i dont mind the call
MatthewGP: its a risk and at that point the coach decided the benifits outweighed the risk

Now while I can understand Matt's benefits outweighing the risk argument the argument that it is just like any other call is not valid. You could say 'well if this just happened' or if 'that just happened' then the game would change. The 2 point too early thing backfires ALL THE TIME. Teams always end up either missing the 2 point and needing the one point from the extra point or not needing the 2nd point anyway. You NEVER EVER EVER EVER go for 2 until you absolutely have to. If 7 seconds of research was done on it teams would see this, I don't understand it. It's almost as stupid as 'icing the kicker'.
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jeremy.jpgJeremy - 1.21 Gigawatts!?!?
02/02/2004 @ 10:39:52 PM
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The split second Janet's boob was out before cutting away the camera was so far away you really couldn't even tell if it was faked of not. Everyone gets all up in arms. Then this picture is one click off


Mind you that's 1000 times clearer than it ever was on TV.
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newalex.jpgicbizzle - But let history remember, that as free men, we chose to make it so!
02/02/2004 @ 11:39:14 PM
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i was enjoying reading the comments and then you had to post that picture. ridiculous.

ps If that was an accident (as Justin claims), what's with wearing the medal?
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jeremy.jpgJeremy - 9594 Posts
02/02/2004 @ 11:42:50 PM
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Yeah, it also happened on the line "I'm going to have you naked by the end of this song"
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jon.jpgJon - infinity + 1 posts
02/03/2004 @ 05:42:20 AM
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Yeah I don't know if anyone buys the whole "wardrobe malfunction" thing. I also think MTV knew it was going to happen, but I still don't think CBS knew.

You know what's odd though? Does the Jackson family really need more perception of "sex" scandal right now? As if all the potential jurors needed any more reason to think there was anything scandalous about their family. I know actions of siblings are two separate things, but it's just one more thing for everyone to have in the back of their minds. I mean, Janet will probably be sitting right behind her brother when he is in court for a sexual assault case and rather than the supporting sister, she will be seen as his sister who likes to expose herself in front of millions. It probably won't sway the decision one way or the other, but I doubt it can do any good.
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thumbnailCAW1I0O3.gifMatt - Ombudsman
02/03/2004 @ 10:51:50 AM
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First of all Jeremy, if that picture wasn't first on TV, then it wouldn't be a click off (by the way, there are a lot of things a click off

Secondly.... I think, from now on, the rest of the Page 3 staff should have to sign off on Jeremy's posts. First he posts, word for word, a private conversation of ours without my knowledge, and now he's putting up pictures of a questionable nature.
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fry6beeu9.jpgJeremy - Pie Racist
02/03/2004 @ 11:23:51 AM
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She's just as covered as Christina Aguilera is when she is on TV.

My point with posting the picture was that it wasnt like they showed that shot forever on TV. I dont think that shot was on TV at all. What made in on air was a really far away shot.

Not that it's right but women wear less clothes to award shows all the time. I remember one time that a completely see through dress was worn to one. She even presented an award in it.

I think the only thing shocking about the SB performance was that Justin actually ripped the breast plate off. If she would have started the show like that people wouldn't have cared as much.

Besides Nelly was grabbing his crotch and having a bunch of girls singing about it being so hot they were taking their clothes they actually were.

Janet's dancers were in bondage outfits writhing around on the ground and hanging from the rafters.

Put it this way. If parents with small children hadn't changed the channel long before the incident then they got what was coming to them.

By the way before the Super Bowl every media outlet was talking about Michael, I don't see them talking about him anymore. Can someone say 'sis planned a diversion?'
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fry6beeu9.jpgJeremy - 9594 Posts
02/03/2004 @ 06:36:41 PM
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Someone agrees

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jeremy.jpgJeremy - Cube Phenomenoligist
02/03/2004 @ 06:45:17 PM
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By the way:

Tivo reported the clip as the most replayed piece of video in it's history.

CBS is writing software to delay future live events like they delay audio.

CBS is toying with banning Timberlake and Jackson from the Grammy's

This has got to be the most outrage over nothing ever.
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thumbnailCAW1I0O3.gifMatt - 3991 Posts
02/04/2004 @ 04:13:05 PM
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Is this thing being a little overplayed? Yes, but that doesn't mean it wasn't inappropriate and wrong. Also defending bad behavior by pointing out worse behavior is generally not a satisfactory argument.
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jeremy.jpgJeremy - Pie Racist
02/04/2004 @ 04:23:06 PM
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I'm not saying it's right because other stuff is just as bad or worse. I'm just pointing out the hypocritical nature of people and the naive parents.
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scott.jpgScott - Get Up! Get outta here! Gone!
02/08/2004 @ 01:28:54 AM
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Is that it? is it over?
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scott.jpgScott - 6225 Posts
02/08/2004 @ 10:19:00 PM
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the over/under for the Pro Bowl was 100. Me being the moron that I am bet on the under. Should have seen that coming.
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thumbnailCAW1I0O3.gifMatt - 3991 Posts
02/09/2004 @ 05:51:35 PM
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Page 3 does not condone gambling. Scott, we will have to revoke your Page 3 premium membership.
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