I'm Smart

01/22/2004 9:42 pm
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I believe it was my freshman year of high school when I went to California for my Spring Break with my family. We went to the San Diego Zoo and whilst passing the Panada cage I came up with the brilliant idea of cloning endangered animals. Now they're finally doing it, but they're a few years behind me and my brain.
Go and check it out.
question_mark.gifAndrew (Guest)
01/26/2004 @ 12:24:43 PM
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We must use our chemistry knowledge to successfully clone ironoxide
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matt.jpgMatt - Washington Bureau Chief
01/28/2004 @ 11:51:34 AM
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First, if any species is upgraded off the endangered list by cloning, they should have to be listed with an asterisk.

Secondly, if you clone animals to build up their numbers, I think there would be problems for the next generation. Since you would have clones of a few animals mating with each other, then there would be a bunch of offspring that share some or all of a genetic makeup and then whom would they mate with. I'm not sure if that's a valid concern or not, but it makes me think that they better be sure of a plan if they ever try it.
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scott.jpgScott - 6225 Posts
01/28/2004 @ 03:14:44 PM
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Say one of these clones gets a cold or something, will all of them be susceptible to that cold (or maybe something worse like hoof and mouth disease or the clap).

ps Avoid the clap
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fry6beeu9.jpgJeremy - 9594 Posts
01/28/2004 @ 05:07:15 PM
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That's good advice.
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