
02/21/2006 5:01 pm
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I don't know how I feel about this

She did just make a mistake, and yeah it was stupid (you'd think by an hour or so at work it would hit her), but it was one of those "You're in big trouble thanks to secondary factors" kind of things. If it happened to be a bright sunny day I doubt anything would have happened (since I imagine similar things happen all the time.) It reminds me of back when I had my "Joe jobs" that sometimes people would no show and the amount they got in trouble was directly proportional to how much they were needed that night. If they no showed and it was busy they got severely punished. Two days later someone would no show, but it just so happened it was dead anyway, and they'd hardly even mention it when the person showed up the next time.

The punishments should be for the actions, not the circumstances, and I think jail time is a tad harsh. I'm pretty sure a 10,000 dollar bond is high, meaning this was seen as particularly heinous.
2887.gificbeast - 3619 Posts
02/21/2006 @ 07:09:58 PM
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Unless there were previous incidents or extenuating circumstances that weren't disclosed, this is completely foolish. It's not uncommon for people to forget what day it is. I guess more information would really be needed. Like exactly how long is "a few hours" and what exactly was the mother doing during that time. Also, why was the child coatless? And shouldn't a six year old know the days of the week and protest to being taken to school on a weekend?
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question_mark.gifAnon. Nut Can Fan (Guest)
02/22/2006 @ 01:25:26 PM
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If you don't think people should be allowed to be cops if they can'd add time, then they shouldn't be allowed to be mothers if they can't figure out what day it is.
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2887.gificbeast - I don't need to get steady I know just how I feel
02/22/2006 @ 01:31:59 PM
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I won't argue with that. Except that being a mother is a)more of a basic right of humanity than a job and b)not a publicly funded job with the requirements of serving the public. I never said fire a cop if he makes an occasional time computing error, but not knowing how to do it at all and being able to pass a 6th grade math test is unacceptable. I would assume that the mother could pass a test on the days of the week.
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question_mark.gifAnon. Nut Can Fan (Guest)
02/23/2006 @ 03:03:06 PM
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Not if the test was "What day is it currently?" :)
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jeremy.jpgJeremy - 9543 Posts
02/23/2006 @ 03:58:47 PM
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I wake up all the time thinkings it's a different day. If she doenst have a M-F job I could see this easily happening. Maybe she works a Wed-Mon job and weekends are nothing special for her.
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scott.jpgScott - 6225 Posts
02/23/2006 @ 06:23:30 PM
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like the movie Groundhogs Day. Maybe she was just having a moment. However, the kid being sans coat probably had something to do with the harsh penalty. I don't care what day you think it is, when it's february, put your kid in a coat. Also, I don't care if cops can't do simple math. I do care if dentists can do simple math, however.
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question_mark.gifAnon. Nut Can Fan (Guest)
02/23/2006 @ 06:42:15 PM
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Monotony can be a dangerous thing. Haven't you ever taken a nap when it's light out, wake up like an hour later when it's not as light, and panic for a moment because you think you've overslept for the next day already? I think I've gone so far as to take a panicked shower before getting out and realizing Im out of my mind.

Also it's February in Texas, not Wisconsin. It was in the 50's around that time (which granted is cold, but it doesn't fall under child endangerment) If that was their argument then they should have to sit out at the school and bust any parent that drops of a coat-less child.

Again, I'm not trying to say NOTHING should happen, but jail time (with $10G bail) is pretty harsh.
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