Christmas Lights

12/01/2005 12:47 pm
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I like them, especially when they can do this.
2887.gificbeast - But let history remember, that as free men, we chose to make it so!
12/20/2005 @ 09:08:00 PM
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I just saw this on a commercial. Or more approprietly I heard it. I was in my room, with the TV on in the living room, and I heard that music which I don't think I'll ever forget after watching the whole video, so I ran into the living room to see it. It was a Miller Lite commercial. Whoever made that just ca$hed in.
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jeremy.jpgJeremy - Cube Phenomenoligist
12/20/2005 @ 09:34:40 PM
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I saw it too, I was like "what the hell?" They changed it a bit to say happy holidays on the house.
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