NBA Blog

11/06/2005 2:00 am
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Here are my thoughts on the new NBA season.

Let's start with the dress code. Yeah, it's an interesting story, and I'm sure many people cared what the athletes were wearing, but apparently ESPN decided it was on par with the moon landing as far as stories go. There it was, Dan Patrick, the most distinguished anchor in the history of the network, and he's leading the show by kicking it to various reporters around the country reporting on things like Toni Kukoc's collar. Unbelievable. I was just waiting for the thirty minute segment on Luol Deng's cuffs.

Secondly, if the NBA were middle school I think Darko would be equivalent to the kid who comes back from summer break and is about a foot taller and his voice has changed and there's a good chance people won't mess with him as much.

Finally, how about those Bucks? Yeah it's a long season and a lot could happen, but it could be exciting.
Think of it this way. In the next two years, we could see a total shift in Wisconsin sports. Think about it, Favre retires and the Packers are just another bad team while the Brewers all start to hit their prime and Bogut, Redd, Ford and company begin leading the Bucks to some fifty win seasons.
scott.jpgScott - If you aren't enough without it, you'll never be enough with it.
11/06/2005 @ 10:39:44 AM
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The Bucks had a 50+ win season in 2001, but then G.Karl decided to break up the team and then split. But 3-0 is a good start for a team that was "power-ranked" about 16th in the preseason. And their 3 wins were all against playoff teams.
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hoochpage.JPGSarah - 4718 Posts
11/06/2005 @ 12:33:05 PM
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I disagree. Baseball and basketball are not tolerable to watch. I watch football all day on Sundays, right now I'm watching the Vikings-Lions game, and needless to say neither of those teams are the Packers. Young actually said Favre had two choices: retire as a Packer or start looking for team that has championship potential.

I think sports broadcasting and broadcasting in general has become too dramatized. This whole T.O. thing just proves it. I'm sick of everything being overanalyzed. Same with this dress code.
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newalex.jpgicbeast - You've got to trust your instinct, and let go of regret
11/06/2005 @ 02:56:56 PM
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I don't think Karl was responsible for all the personnel moves, but he certainly helped them tank. They were an inside presence away from having a shot to get the finals the next year, they made their move in picking up Mason, and it just didn't work out. In fact it was a complete failure that led to the dismantling of the team, the exodus of the coach, and some salary handicapping for a few seasons. Anyway, that's all in the past now. I don't think the Packers will revert all the way back to the 80's, but Wisconsin is certainly much more than just a football state.

If not for fantasy football, I probably wouldn't watch about half as much football as I do now. Football games are often as slow and boring as baseball games can be, if not worse. A low scoring baseball game usually means the pitchers are having an awesome day or some web gems are being made. A low scoring football games usually means that the offenses both stink, there is no vertical passing game, and the coaches are content to punt 20 times and play the field position game. Basketball on the other hand has more consistent action, big 3 pointers, fast-breaks, dunks, ankle-breaking cross-overs, return to sender rejections, and the momentum and lead can rock back and forth like a canoe in a hurricane.

Sports broadcasting has become too much. Just broadcast the games, have some highlight shows, and shut up.
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scott.jpgScott - 6225 Posts
11/06/2005 @ 03:12:09 PM
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The Mason deal definitely was the turning point of the potential run they could have made in 2002. As far the the inside precense goes: Many NBA writers said that the Bucks were the only team in the East that had a chance to beat the Lakers that year because they were the only playoff team that ran the court the way the Bucks did. And the reason the bucks were able to do that was because they didn't have the big man. Mason tried to much to slow things down, and I think that's why they failed. Then there was the Glen Robinson trade, then the Ray Allen trade for Gary Payton(pretty sure that was all George Karl) and by the end of the year the Big Three was no more. I still lay a majority of the blame on Karl, although I still have a lot of respect for what he did with the team before that.

Other than the Bucks, the NBA sucks. (that rhymes) And I personally enjoy watching baseball more than I enjoy watching football. Think about this: in a football game, you might go 15, 20, 25, or 30+ seconds in between plays. In baseball, the average gap between pitches is about 10-12 seconds. And there are enough 2 and 3 yard runs and incomplete passes to off-set the balls that aren't put in play in baseball.

Also, I agree that the Packers won't suck. At the very longest, the Packers will suffer a few bad seasons simply to get passed some of their cap problems, but I don't think it will even last after this year. Given the fact that the Packers have lost so much to injuries, it is very hard to assess how the team will do in the future.
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fry6beeu9.jpgJeremy - No one's gay for Moleman
11/06/2005 @ 06:57:30 PM
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The problem is, just like all other facets of the media there is just too many outlets. Every big ticket conglomerate has their own 24hr channel, or 5, and a website to fill with news, most of the time that involves talking the same 5 minute news story into the ground for 3 days.
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hoochpage.JPGSarah - So's your face
11/06/2005 @ 07:04:05 PM
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LOL Simpsons Treehouse of Horror got it right. The world is against baseball. It sux. and is beyond boring. boo ya. To paraphrase south park "sarah did it sarah did it"
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matt.jpgMatt -'s MBL
11/06/2005 @ 07:48:09 PM
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Actually, the world is against football (American Football that is), Baseball and Basketball are becoming quite popular worldwide.
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scott.jpgScott - Ma'am, can you make sure your computer is turned on?
11/07/2005 @ 11:05:49 AM
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We call our sport's champions "World Champions"...and we don't play anybody else in the world.

This is true about football, considering the much larger international presence in baseball, basketball, hockey, and pretty much every sport. I miss baseball already.
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scott.jpgScott - No, I did not change your screen saver settings
11/07/2005 @ 05:07:03 PM
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the Bucks are on ESPN's power rankings after the first week at no. 5!! With 3 one-loss teams in front of them. Sure, power rankings don't really mean anything like rankings do in College football, but that's pretty cool. A team that lost 52 games last year has definitely turned things around.

On a similar note, the Brewers were ranked 11th on ESPN's 2006 pre-season power ranking. Kinda early to be talking about next season already, but I guess ESPN has nothing else to do than to talk about sports.
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newalex.jpgicbeast - 3619 Posts
11/07/2005 @ 11:58:16 PM
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Garnett is a freaking beast. If the rest of his team didn't blow chow last year he would've had back to back MVPs. His numbers were still good enough but they didn't win. One of my most favorite games though I barely remember it, game 7 2 seasons ago agains the Kings. I wore my Garnett jersey, went to Boston's in EC had like 3 pitchers with my budy, Wolves won, KG was the man, went down to Water, don't remember much after about 11 o'clock, woke about noon on Friday wearing my shoes in bed. Those were the days.
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scott.jpgScott - If you aren't enough without it, you'll never be enough with it.
11/08/2005 @ 05:30:22 PM
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Under a bill moving threw the Wisconsin state Assembly, a business owner who does not want guns in his or her business will have to personally tell every single patron that they cannot carry a gun on them. A sign will not be sufficient, for that violates a person's rights. Now imagine the handicapped guy in Wal-mart who greets you and gives kids stickers might also have to ask if you have a gun on you. I don't mean to completely open up a can of worms that has been discussed in the past, but this kind of concerns me a little.

Here's the link to an article about it
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scott.jpgScott - If you aren't enough without it, you'll never be enough with it.
11/15/2005 @ 09:02:23 AM
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Bucks are 4-1, ranked 4th on ESPN's power rankings, and now find them selves tested for the first time. At LA Lakers, at Golden State, at Sacramento, at Utah. This could be a very good indicator of how the Bucks' season will go. They won a total of 7 games against the west last season.
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scott.jpgScott - 6225 Posts
11/15/2005 @ 06:44:29 PM
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LA Clippers, not Lakers.
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scott.jpgScott - 6225 Posts
11/15/2005 @ 11:10:55 PM
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Joseph Biden: We want the president to tell us what we need to do to succeed in Iraq.

In response to that comment, here's what Bill Frist had to say.

Bill Frist: The Democrats want to cut and run. The Republicans don't want an exit strategy, we want a victory strategy.

Dr. Frist should go figure out what the word "succeed" means. Also, did he come up with the name for "No Child Left Behind"? Cuz "Victory Strategy" is another doozy of a pandering statement.
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jeremy.jpgJeremy - I hate our freedoms
11/15/2005 @ 11:50:09 PM
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He should have called it a "Freedom Stategy"
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scott.jpgScott - On your mark...get set...Terrible!
11/16/2005 @ 08:12:00 AM
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So, I wake up this morning thinking that I am running behind. I get up, get dressed, grab a couple poptarts and fly down the hill. I'm walking through Davies when I realize that the clocks say 8:00. I don't have class till 9:00. I came down the hill an hour early, and I missed out on about 45min of sleep. Lame.
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thumbnailCAW1I0O3.gifMatt -'s MBL
11/17/2005 @ 09:13:36 AM
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Page 3 infiltrates The Spectator in back to back editions.

Many actions may make residents uncomfortable

Bible study no different than other gatherings
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scott.jpgScott - Resident Tech Support
11/17/2005 @ 03:40:20 PM
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Nice letter, Matt
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hoochpage.JPGSarah - 4718 Posts
11/17/2005 @ 05:22:06 PM
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Nice letters from both of you. I see Scott went from writing about milk to writing about more serious matters. Ah, they grow up so fast.
Biology- what's up with that? At least you can use that I suppose.
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fry6beeu9.jpgJeremy - The pig says "My wife is a slut?"
11/17/2005 @ 05:38:16 PM
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I don't understand the issue much at all. Assuming the ra is there (which they might not be anyway) wouldn't a student feel "uncomfortable" pretty much no matter what the person was doing? Unless the ra is sitting door open, open mouthed staring at the ceiling they could be doing one of a million things alone or in a group someone MIGHT feel uncomfortable interupting. The fact of the matter is any action MIGHT make someone feel uncomfortable. Are the RA's not allowed to have sex? Because I bet someone would feel uncomfortable interupting that. For that matter maybe people can even hear it. Perhaps even knowing your RA had premarrital sex might make a person uncomfortable.

Life is full of uncomfortabilities, if the RA was worshipping the devil alone would this be a concern? I doubt I'm saying anything that hasn't been stated by a million people, but this is a non issue.
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scott.jpgScott - 6225 Posts
11/17/2005 @ 05:38:48 PM
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Wow, you actually remember the Milk letter. Ha.
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scott.jpgScott - 6225 Posts
11/17/2005 @ 05:39:17 PM
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what's RSS?
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jeremy.jpgJeremy - Robots don't say 'ye'
11/17/2005 @ 06:20:38 PM
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Really Simple Syndication.

It's how we have feeds to different sites on the main page.

It also allows people to get a page 3 feed on sites that allow it, like yahoo's 360. Here's Bret's Unfortunately yahoo doesnt update that often, but that's what it's for.
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matt.jpgMatt -'s MBL
11/17/2005 @ 06:21:32 PM
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The Milk letter was a shining moment in letters to the editor history.

I hope I don't make Scott feel uncomfortable here, but what I found kind of funny is if you do a search on Scott at the Spectator website, 3 letters come up and for each one he has a different major listed.
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scott.jpgScott - No, I did not change your screen saver settings
11/17/2005 @ 06:32:40 PM
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Yeah, you could say I jumped around a tad.
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fry6beeu9.jpgJeremy - Robots don't say 'ye'
11/17/2005 @ 06:38:54 PM
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And landed on MIS in your never ending campain to be the Anti-Jeremy
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fry6beeu9.jpgJeremy - Broadcast in stunning 1080i
11/17/2005 @ 08:43:38 PM
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ps I thought the addition of the forum would end the blog thread hijacking, but I guess not :) We're on subject 8 now. No one point out the irony that pointing out the subject in a thread being hijacked is in and of itself changing to a new subject.
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jeremy.jpgJeremy - Cube Phenomenoligist
11/17/2005 @ 08:44:17 PM
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pps CS Rules bitches.
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newalex.jpgicbeast - 3619 Posts
11/17/2005 @ 09:49:47 PM
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