Page 3 is Moving

11/16/2004 6:21 pm
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Not that it should change anything for anyone but I'm moving page 3. It's $7 a month now, prepayed for 6 months. Feel free to kick in something as I've only recieved one penny from Matt since we started having to pay.

I'm sick of it bouncing between being down and, at best, being slow.
fry6beeu9.jpgJeremy - 9594 Posts
11/17/2004 @ 03:31:29 AM
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It's moved.
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fry6beeu9.jpgJeremy - 1.21 Gigawatts!?!?
11/19/2004 @ 07:11:25 PM
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AND WE'RE BACK!! Bigger, Stronger, Faster...and not down half the time
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question_mark.gifBretx0r uses Firefox (Guest)
12/08/2004 @ 08:52:13 PM
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I made my first CS Source map today!!! Whopee! Now you won't have to play some random 5 year old shit map, you can play my new shit maps that I will create!! Won't that be fun? And why the hell hasn't anyone donated to page 3 yet? You all use this A LOT more than I do, so start shoveling the dough! Webspace isn't free ya'll know!
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