Page 3 Jumps the Shark

AP - Eau Claire - Often times when a TV series falls on hard times a quick fix solution is for two of the main characters to get married. It temporarily increases ratings despite the fact that, in general, loyal fans of the show like it less afterwards. Apparently the people in charge of Page 3 are as creative as TV executives as Jeremy and Sarah have gotten engaged.

I caught up with the staff at Page 3 and they had this to say:

Jeremy -"Look, we had gone from getting over 120 hits a day during the football season to only about 50 hits a day. Something drastic needed to be done. People were going to lose their jobs if things kept up like they were."

Jon - "We decided we would draw straws to see who would it would be, the two short straws would get married. It wasn’t until afterwards that we realized we probably should have just drawn straws to see who married Sarah. Luckily things worked out the way they did."

Matt - "I think two things are crystal clear here. One, I am Page 3’s most beloved writer and Two, the significant drop in hits was Bill Clinton’s fault. Furthermore, trends in hits are cyclical and have nothing to do with the content of what is actually on Page 3."

Unfortunately Sarah’s comments were hard to make out over her uncontrollable sobbing and blood curdling screams. I’m fairly certain I was able to make out the phrases "Why me, Lord?" and "Brett Favre rules."
thumbnailCAW1I0O3.gifMatt - 3991 Posts
03/26/2004 @ 12:49:40 AM
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A few points:

1.) I blame all Democrats, not just Bill Clinton.

2.) The cyclical thing is Jon's argument, I just agree with him.

3.) This is a pretty shameful way of upping your article total Jeremy.

4.) Sarah, I thought we had a good thing going, what happened?

5.) In all seriousness, congratulations to you both.
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matt.jpgMatt - 3991 Posts
03/26/2004 @ 05:54:28 PM
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6.) The term "Jumped the Shark" has, of course, Jumped the Shark.

7.) Yeah, I'm the most beloved writer on Page 3.
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thumbnailCAW1I0O3.gifMatt - Ombudsman
03/28/2004 @ 07:50:16 AM
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8.) The Renegade sucks.
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reign_of_fire.jpgMicah - I didn't make that! It fell out of your hair that way!
03/29/2004 @ 10:56:48 PM
 Quote this comment friends getting married is weird...hope you like pie
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scott.jpgScott - On your mark...get set...Terrible!
03/30/2004 @ 03:31:27 PM
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Happy hundreth birthday Strong Bad
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question_mark.gifAndrew (Guest)
03/31/2004 @ 12:11:51 PM
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Congrats to you both! I guess the CHEMISTRY between Sarah and I only lasted a semester.
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thumbnailCAW1I0O3.gifMatt - 3991 Posts
06/23/2004 @ 02:46:26 PM
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Page 3 has "Gone GP on us".

(Check #14 in link for reference)
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