Liberty and Justice For All

I don't fear the law, because I obey it. What a novel idea!
He brings his A game to the basketball court, but can his dream team keep him on it?
How about if we see more of this from professional athletes?
The star basketball player is accused of sexual assault, and the world is shocked. This decision could impact his whole life and yet he continues to play basketball, and no one denies him this. Is something familiar and wrong with this picture? Kobe Bryant, star player and endorser of goods raped a girl back in the summer of 2003. He could get life in prison, yet he still is the star of the Lakers, still has kids wearing his jerseys, and still gets praise for his playing abilities. Do I think this is right? No. It doesn't matter what the girl's previous medical history is. She has had to go into hiding and this whole thing is hurting her psyche. Yes, some people yell rape even when nothing occurred. That takes away from true victims. Victims do not like coming forward because they don't want to be ridiculed and shamed. It is not the victim's fault, and this needs to be pounded into people's heads so that justice is served.

We have our own Kobe Bryant right here in Wisconsin. That's right, get in line to watch this phenom dunk! Watch him evade his court case! This story hasn't been that big, it did have a couple stories in the Leader Telegram and an editorial in the Spectator. When I had first read the story about Hudson's star basketball center, (we decided to take his name out of the article), I was completely dumbfounded and mad as hell. His case, in which he will eventually plead guilty to two fourth degree sexual assault charges, has been pushed back yet again so that this outstanding citizen can continue his high school basketball career. His mother pleaded with the judge because if the case were brought to court now; he would be kicked off the basketball team and miss out on some college scholarships that he truly deserves. Here is part of the letter she wrote to persuade the judge to delay the case.

"In turn, this (case) will be discovered by college recruiters who will likely deny him entrance into their college and/or their athletic programs," the letter said.

This unnamed person would not receive any scholarships, and his ability to pursue something that he is successful at will be taken from him, his mother wrote.

"With a plea in January, we will be punishing [him] in an ongoing way that does not seem commensurate with the alleged crime. It is in everyone's best interest to help Waylon succeed and become a healthy, well-adjusted adult by allowing him to continue to do what he excels at," she wrote.

To paraphrase John Stossel of 20/20 fame, give me a f***ing break.

This kid has yet to be punished at all!! What is his mom talking about, and why doesn't she have a conscience? Obviously, when you are a parent you will try to protect your child in any way possible, but when they break the law, then maybe it's time to step back and reflect on where you went wrong. It is HER responsibility to make sure he is a "healthy, well-adjusted adult" not the rest of the world's. She failed, she's trying to cover it up, and she doesn't want to pay for his college tuition. Wow, do I feel sorry for these people.

Why should this 18 year old "man" be allowed to continue with his life when his victim can't? He passed up on those scholarships the moment he decided to assault his victim.

Are we supposed to feel sorry for this cocky basketball player because he broke the law? Um, no, last time I checked I believe the victim is suppose to get our pity. The victim, by the way, has had to switch schools. This kid is going to get a free ride to college because he can play basketball; yet he doesn't deserve a dime. I can't believe that the school is even allowing this. It's outrageous! Aren't our schools supposed to be about education? Why have sports become so important? Why do they supercede our justice system? Money. Games bring in money to the high schools, players get scholarships to the colleges, and colleges get money from the games. Is this right? Well, money makes the world go round, and there's nothing wrong with that, we live in a capitalist country and hey I'm all for that, but some things are more important than money. Criminals should not be allowed to have their cake and eat it too.

The incident happened when the victim was only 14 years old. He was charged with assaulting this girl back in December of 2002. Just a quick reminder, it's February of 2004!!!! This case has been delayed too long. I hope colleges and universities know what this kid's background is and they stay away.
Professional, college, and high school sports need to clean up their acts. We have OJ Simpson, baseball players being shot and killed, college basketball players getting shot and killed, Rae Carruth having his girlfriend and unborn child killed, THG testing, ephedrine deaths, etc. The list goes on and on.

Yes, we glamorize sports, we live and die with our favorite teams, we give players huge contracts, and some players treat it all like it's a free pass to do whatever they please, whether it's legal or not. We need a big crackdown on all the wrong things that go on in the big sports world, look at how it has affected high school sports.

Victims need closure to an awful period in their life; they should not be stuck in their own personal hell so the sports hero can lead his/her team to victory.
Let's start out small, let's get this high school kid off the court and into the court room.

-Sarah Brovan wishes the Packers were in the Super Bowl.
fry6beeu9.jpgJeremy - Robots don't say 'ye'
02/01/2004 @ 05:21:08 PM
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When did Wisconsin basketball turn into Texas football? Who gives a crap about HIGH SCHOOL basketball? Innocent until proven guilty yes, but since he's actually going to plead guilty get it done with, he needs to face the music.

The only thing we can hope for is that since college scholarships aren't automatic that colleges will take this into consideration anyway.

The sad thing is we are talking about a 16 year old groping a 14 year old. Not some vicious statutory rape. Just get it over so the real victim gets some closure.
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matt.jpgMatt - Washington Bureau Chief
02/02/2004 @ 11:22:00 AM
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I don't know much, if anything, about the Waylon Meyer case, so I won't comment on that at this time. I will, however, comment on your remarks about the Kobe Bryant situation.

Unlike the court system, you don't have to presume him innocent (which you obviously don't). I prefer to wait until I hear the actual evidence before I decide his guilt. All I know at this time is that he confessed to committing adultery with someone he had just met. That, in my mind, is enough for me despise him as a person. I wish that would be enough for others to stop thinking of him as a saint, but unfortunately it's not.

Regardless of how you feel about him, as of now, he hasn't been convicted of anything and as such, can work if he wants to. If he's found guilty, he'll end up paying, but until then, you can't punish him for something he may not have done.

Again, I don't think much of Kobe Bryant, but that doesn't mean he should be punished before the outcome of his trial is decided.

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matt.jpgMatt -'s MBL
02/02/2004 @ 11:25:59 AM
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First, the murderer's name is spelled Rae Carruth.

Secondly, (and grossly off topic) whats the deal with the picture column being twice the size of the actual article?

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fry6beeu9.jpgJeremy - 9594 Posts
02/02/2004 @ 11:31:25 AM
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The question isn't is Kobe guilty or not it's why when an athlete commits a crime is the trial always pushed off until the offseason?
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hoochpage.JPGSarah - 4718 Posts
02/02/2004 @ 12:46:18 PM
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I wasn't really commenting on Kobe, just using him as an intro to my article, drawing comparisions and then talking about someone completely different. I was trying to be a creative writer. Yes, Kobe is innocent until proven guilty, but he just gets to go to court on his off days it seems. This Waylon kid is going to plead guilty, so I can call him guilty or whatever. Sorry about the typos, I will have to correct them at a later time. I guess another point I was trying to make is that even though Kobe may have committed a horrific crime, people still want to see and cheer him on the court. And in my mind, that's a little wrong.
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question_mark.gifAnon. Nut Can Fan (Guest)
02/02/2004 @ 12:47:46 PM
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From the article: Kobe Bryant, star player and endorser of goods raped a girl back in the summer of 2003. He could get life in prison, yet he still is the star of the Lakers

I don't know what you were reading Jeremy but Sarah states that he's guilty and complains that he is still playing basketball...That's what I was responding to. What I missed the first time is that he has lost most of his endorsements, so it's not as if he isn't hurting from the allegations.

As to the timing of the trial, I believe in this case both sides agreed to push the trial back so they could have more time to work their cases, but I'm not sure.
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fry6beeu9.jpgJeremy - The pig says "My wife is a slut?"
02/02/2004 @ 01:17:53 PM
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I don't recall saying anything about the article.
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scott.jpgScott - 6225 Posts
02/02/2004 @ 03:22:02 PM
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In reality, professional athletes aren't doing anything that other people aren't doing as far as the crimes they commit. Lots of people get raped, and lots of people are sex offenders, and I'm sure too many people end up getting off with less than they deserve. I know that this isn't really what the article is about but it's probably worth stating. But that being said, obviously when a celebrity does something bad it is much more publicized than if Joe Criminal (yeah, that's right) does something bad.

ps the law isn't there for those who follow it, but for those who don't follow.
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fry6beeu9.jpgJeremy - 9594 Posts
02/02/2004 @ 04:19:40 PM
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Again the issue in this article, as I understand it, isn't so much the punishment itself, as it is that the athlete's don't ever have to go through the legal process until it is most convenient for them.
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jon.jpgJon - 1 bajillion posts
02/03/2004 @ 05:52:22 AM
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I know it's already been said, and I don't want to "pile on" but I do feel the need to say that none of us know if Kobe raped the girl and neither does the NBA. The NBA would probably get sued if they didn't let Kobe play until the case is settled. I know that's not the main point of the article, but it is worth being examined.
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fry6beeu9.jpgJeremy - 9594 Posts
02/03/2004 @ 06:57:55 PM
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It isn't that the NBA did anything wrong. The issue is the legal process being put off. Damn people.
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jon.jpgJon - 3497 Posts
02/03/2004 @ 07:55:49 PM
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Well Jeremy, as Matt stated the Kobe Bryant case was not delayed because he was a star. In fact, he's missed playing because he's had to go to court. I understand the bulk of the article dealt with the Hudson kid, but that doesn't change the fact that it's a different case from the Kobe Bryant case. I agree with Sarah on the message of this article, I just think that the content regarding Kobe needed clarification.

I knew a kid once who said something to the effect of, "Why don't people get it out of their heads that these aren't normal people." in regards to an athlete's trial conflicting with playing.
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fry6beeu9.jpgJeremy - Robots don't say 'ye'
02/03/2004 @ 08:08:18 PM
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Athletes are constantly having DUI's and other things put off. Of course they aren't normal people and that's just they way things are but, a high school player? We have to draw a line of who's going o get preffered treatment somewhere.
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jon.jpgJon - 1 bajillion posts
02/04/2004 @ 07:26:49 PM
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So equal justice unless the defendant is really good?
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jeremy.jpgJeremy - 9594 Posts
02/04/2004 @ 09:48:28 PM
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I was just agreeing with you. Obviously in a perfect world we'd all be equal, but we're not. There are classes of people, that's just how it is. Athletes are placed above everyone else, and yes are even in different "ranks" amoungst themselves based on how good they are.

We're just setting a dangerous precident if we let high school athletes into the "I'm above the law" club.
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question_mark.gifAndrew (Guest)
02/04/2004 @ 11:45:09 PM
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It's not that the defendant is a star so the trials are put off. It's that the defendants are rich enough to hire great defense attorny's who can pursuade judges to stall cases. It's not necessarily fame, but fortune. It's not like the athletes want to go to trial, but their defense teams will do what they see best to get a favorable outcome for their client. It's almost the same for when athletes get huge contracts, they may not want all that money (it's never about the money) but their agents want to get as much as they can from the contract. I did like the article and thought it brought out good points.
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scott.jpgScott - On your mark...get set...Terrible!
02/05/2004 @ 08:36:24 AM
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Wisconsin's Boo Wade was not given the benefit of the doubt in his case. He was suspended before at the first sign of charges. Is Madison just classier and more disciplined than some places?
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hoochpage.JPGSarah - How do you use these things?
02/05/2004 @ 08:41:09 AM
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I think so. I read about "Boo" and saw that he was suspended immediately. This kid has been playing for two years on the basketball team, he's going to plead guilty when they go to court, and he still gets to play. Hudson=not so classy. And that's not just because I went to North. Show the world that it's not alright to commit a crime and go on with life. Show discipline, show some morals, show the victims that you care.
Also, I liked the fact that Kobe was "sick" for his first court date this week, nice.
Oh and to go along with Andrew said, "if you have enough money you can kill your wife, and there's no such thing as 20 years to life, as long as you've got the cash to pay the Cochrane."
And that's the truth.
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jon.jpgJon - 3497 Posts
02/05/2004 @ 12:38:21 PM
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But Jeremy, when you said

"Of course they aren't normal people and that's just they way things are but, a high school player? We have to draw a line of who's going o get preffered treatment somewhere"

You seem to be indicating that the problem wasn't that someone got preferential treatment, but that a high school player got preferential treatment.

Is that what you're trying to say, or am I reading that incorrectly? Should some people get preferential treatment?
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scott.jpgScott - 6225 Posts
02/05/2004 @ 02:26:08 PM
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Sounds like someone's quoting Good Charolette, specifically Sarah. But they make a good point.
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fry6beeu9.jpgJeremy - Broadcast in stunning 1080i
02/05/2004 @ 02:42:59 PM
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I dont think they should, I just know they do.
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question_mark.gifNone of your business (Guest)
02/09/2004 @ 09:24:53 PM
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Alright here is the thing, sarah i don't know who you are but this is bull shit. Mind your own business. You don't even know him. I personally do. When i seen this shit you wrote i was "Dumbfounded and mad as hell!!!!" Go to HELL!!!
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fry6beeu9.jpgJeremy - 9594 Posts
02/09/2004 @ 09:37:15 PM
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What in her article about Waylon is even slightly controversial or not true that you could get angry about?

Did the incident happen? Yes

Is he planning to plead guilty? Yes

Is the trial pushed off only so he can play basketball? Yes

I dont see how you can argue with anything in the article except with the Kobe Bryant stuff.

He might be a nice guy and there are much worse things happening in the world then a 16 year old groping a 14 year old but the fact still remains he should have to go through the legal process right now. Or for that matter should have done it 2 years ago.
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question_mark.gifHans (Guest)
02/09/2004 @ 09:39:08 PM
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To everyone that reads this-

Alright Waylon is like a brother to me. He is a good kid!! He never did anything wrong. You don't know him like i do. He is wrongfully accused of this crime and I think that this is a bunch of bull shit. Why do people have to harm other people and try to ruin other people's lives??!! Think about it.

Thank You
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fry6beeu9.jpgJeremy - 9594 Posts
02/09/2004 @ 09:42:42 PM
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If he was wrongfully accused why is he planning to plead guilty?
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question_mark.gifFor Jeremy (Guest)
02/09/2004 @ 10:02:40 PM
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Does waylon have any other choice but to plea guilty: NO

Is Jeremy wasting his time talking about this: YES

Does Jeremy know Waylon: NO

Should Jeremy care: NO

Does Jeremy spend his pathetic anal life judging people: YES
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fry6beeu9.jpgJeremy - No one's gay for Moleman
02/09/2004 @ 10:10:52 PM
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If you don't commit the crime you plea innocent. How does a person not have a choice? I was under the impression this was a democracy. Im not the one searching Google looking for stuff on my friend to bitch about, so I dont think youre in any position to judge my life. I care about it because high school athletes shouldnt get to skirt the law. If he is innocent then he should have gone though the process long ago, gotten it over with, and gone on with his basketball career. What does knowing him have anything to do with anything?
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matt.jpgMatt - 3991 Posts
02/10/2004 @ 12:47:55 AM
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Innocent people sometimes plead guilty to lesser crimes because they don't feel they will win the trial, and they don't want to take the risk of a harsher punishment. I don't know how often this happens, or if it is the case here, but it should at least be taken into consideration.
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fry6beeu9.jpgJeremy - 9594 Posts
02/10/2004 @ 01:16:33 PM
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People shouldn't do that though. If you aren't guilty then fight for yourself. By the way, did you note that not one time in his mom's letter to the judge did she say that he didn't do it. She just thought the punishment didn't fit the crime.
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thumbnailCAW1I0O3.gifMatt - 3991 Posts
02/10/2004 @ 02:12:49 PM
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Sometimes people get convicted of crimes they didn't commit. If an innocent person decides to take 1 year in prison instead of possibly 20 or take probation instead of any jail time, I'm not going to say they shouldn't do that. In a perfect world this would never happen and all guilty people would go to jail and all innocent people would never be charged, but it's not perfect and if someone doesn't want to risk trial, it's their choice.

Again, I'm not saying that this is what's happing in this case. You just seem to be dismissing the choice of anybody who might choose to plead to something they didnt do, which I don't think is right.
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jeremy.jpgJeremy - Broadcast in stunning 1080i
02/10/2004 @ 03:05:09 PM
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I understand the rational behind that thinking and what you are saying, I just don't think it's right for innocent people to just give in like that.
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hoochpage.JPGSarah - So's your face
02/13/2004 @ 02:01:34 PM
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Wow, Hudson finally took charge and suspended Meyer. My hats off to them for doing the right thing. He should've been suspended back in January after they moved back his court trial, but this still makes me happy. It somewhat shows that there is no tolerance for law breakers. Although he plans to appeal the suspension, I hope that Hudson sticks to their guns. With enough pressure from the public, perhaps justice will prevail.
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question_mark.gifTim Meyer (Guest)
02/16/2004 @ 10:47:25 AM
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Sarah, I have to comment on your article and those of many of your readers. First and foremost I do know Waylon Meyer, he is my nephew. Your article is typical of the media these days, one sided and not disclosing all the facts. I do know the facts. Waylon was 15 years old when the illicit touching occurred. It was with his 14-year-old stepsister. Sadly, these are kids being kids, all a part of the growing up process. There was not rape or anything violent. His mother and the girls father were married. They all lived happily in the same home for 18 months after the touching incident until the parents divorced. The result of the divorce is a bitter custody fight for a six-year-old son. Waylons ex-stepfather has been obsessive in running around to various media including the Leader Telegram, KQRS, Kare11 and the Pioneer Press all in an attempt to smear Waylon. He even convinced a prosecutor to try a 15-year-old boy as an adult because there would be more exposure as an adult than as a juvenile. In the public eye it may look like Waylon received special consideration from Judge Rasmussen because his is an athlete and his mother works for the county. This is far from the truth, the judge knew there were a lot of holes in this case and what the true motive of the girls fathers was. The real victims in this case are Waylon, his family and the girl; her father has dragged her through the legal mud with other motives beyond her welfare. I want to share something else with your readers that very few know about, it a letter from July 6, 2003. Because of it length I will share portions. I forgive you for what you did to XXXXXX. I do not hold any ill will toward you and I desire for you to have a different life than you have today. I honestly pray for you often that God may fill you with the power of the Holy Spirit and grant you the grace you need to turn your life to Christ. It is only through a personal relationship with Jesus Christ, our Lord and savior that we are able to turn away from the desires of the flesh and focus on the desires of God. It is only through accepting the forgiveness that Jesus offers us that we can truly relieve ourselves of the guilt in our lives and turn ourselves to God. I have made so many mistakes in my life but yet have been forgiven by God and made anew with all my sins forgiven and forgotten. The same is true for you Waylon. God is waiting to forgive you and make you a new creation in Christ. Its an awesome thing as you let go of the pains and burdens of the past and are given a new start in Christ. He desires to have a personal relationship with you. In Revelation 3:20 John writes: "Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come into him and dine with him, and he with me." This is Jesus inviting you to open up the door of your heart and have an intimate, personal relationship with him. True joy comes from having God in your life and knowing that all things work together for good to those that love the Lord (Romans 8:28). As a new brother in Christ just explained to me "Joy is not that absence of pain but the presence of God in our life". A portion of his letter is displayed to show your readers just what kind of a hypocrite this man is and his attempts to damage Waylon are completely unjustified. If justice were served properly he is the person who should be harassed and ridiculed in the public eye, as Waylon has had to endure for over two years. If the court system feels that charging a 15 year old boy as an adult is proper then every minor boy that fathers a child or has illicit touching of a girl had better look over their shoulder because they to can be charged when they turn 18

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question_mark.gifTim (Guest)
02/16/2004 @ 11:21:58 AM
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Jeremy, The reason Waylon was thinking about pleading guilty to the lesser charge of 4th degree was not an admission of guilt. Waylon is an avid hunter and the prosecutor threatened to charge him with a felony taking away his hunting and fishing privileges. He could plead guilty to the misdemeanor charge 4th degree that is nothing more than a slap on the butt and still retain those rights. I hope He does not bend to the prosecutor and plead guilty because he did nothing wrong. The reason for the suspension from the team is what you wished for Sara, pressure from the public who dont know Waylon or a thing about the case.
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fry6beeu9.jpgJeremy - 9594 Posts
02/16/2004 @ 11:30:47 AM
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What has gone on and who has done what to whom isn't really the point, the fact is it should have been taken care of already. Personally I have nothing against him. He could be innocent, but since he plans on pleading guilty that's a moot point. The outrage surrounding this case isn't about the crime itself as it is that it's being delayed to play basketball. The father wouldn't be still dragging his daughter through the legal processes if this was over and done with. It was nice to get some inside info on the situation. Thanks for visiting.
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question_mark.gifTim (Guest)
02/16/2004 @ 12:13:31 PM
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Jeremy, Thanks for letting me visit and hearing me out. Im as outraged along with everyone else that this thing has gone on like it has. First off, Waylon was 15 years old when the incident occurred. Nothing happened for 18 months, no police report, nothing. His mom and step father divorce when he is 17 and then he is charged with the allegations. Waylons mother is the Clerk of Court for St.Croix County. Her position with the county and help from the girls father has forced delays in the process switching it from St Croix to Pierce County. All of this takes time. Judge Rasmussen knew the complexity of the case and the motives of the girls father Todd Frascht. This is the same judge that has granted Waylon a two-year restraining order from him just last week. I dont think Waylon will plead guilty to lesser charges; he has very good legal representatives that will unfortunately drag on the drama.
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sarah.jpgSarah - 4718 Posts
02/19/2004 @ 08:00:04 PM
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So, they moved up the trial and badda bing badda boom, it's over like that. That's what suspension from basketball will get ya. A quick and speedy process when everyone agrees to it. Now obviously, I don't personally know the parties and all of the going ons that happened before and after the occurences. But, if her dad decided against pressing charges when the couple were married, and then decided to press charges after they were divorced, well then that's his perogative. It's not like he went over the statute of limitations. If he did it because they were fighting for custody of the 6 year old, well then this is a way to prove that the child may not be safe living with the mom and waylon. I read in an article that letters were read commending waylon on his improved behavior. That's great that he is becoming a better person, but the fact remains they were talking about his improved behavior. You can't commit a crime and then become a good person and then get upset when people want to press charges for the crime. Strive to be a better person, face up to your past, and continue going on the right path. It's never too late to change, and I'm glad to hear that Waylon seems to be heading in that direction. Stick to it.
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question_mark.gifEmelia Daniels (Guest)
04/19/2004 @ 06:01:15 PM
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hey there sarah hows it going i suggest you not judge people unless you know them!! actually you dont know sh*t about him so you should get a life and stay out of others!! I have been his girlfriend for seven months and he is the nicest guy ever.. so if anyone knew him it would be me!! not some little girl that hasnt even met him!! especially where do you live hun?? im sure you never have even seen him in person!!You are just some little girl that doesnt have anything to do but write about other people. hey does bad talking people make you feel better about you are just jealous cause you are mad that he is good at something and in highschool you were probably one of those girls that would pulla move that britney did for attention. oh and by the sarah he didnt plea gulity its called a plea agreement do your research before you try to talknext time.. lol

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jeremy.jpgJeremy - 9594 Posts
04/19/2004 @ 06:09:30 PM
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1) Learn to type in english

2) The only thing she said about him as a person was that he was cocky (which was the concensous of pretty much everyone who played against him, so take it up with them.) Her outrage was that a legal proceeding was being delayed for basketball, thats it, it's that simple, I dont see what there is to be upset with. You don't have to know the person to know that putting sports ahead of the law is wrong. Get over it already.
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fry6beeu9.jpgJeremy - Broadcast in stunning 1080i
04/19/2004 @ 06:10:56 PM
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ps A plea agreement is admiting guilt for a lesser charge, so you have no point there.
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question_mark.gifemelia (Guest)
04/19/2004 @ 06:22:26 PM
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hey jeremy what are you sarahs little secretary and talk for her. no where on that article did it ay anything about you so uh once again stay out of peoples bussiness. and why do you comment so much on stuff you sure have a lot of b*ll sh*t to say. maybeyou should talk more when you know something about the case personally all you know is what the media says. that makes you a follower. lets grow up and stayout of peples bussiness
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hoochpage.JPGSarah - 4718 Posts
04/19/2004 @ 06:32:14 PM
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Ok.... so we're back on this subject. If people bother to read the comments to my article, everyone will see we had intelligent discussions on the subject. Everyone is entitled to their opinion and I simply gave mine. Does everyone in America personally know Kobe Bryant? No, and yet I think we all have an opinion about his guilt/innocence. The fact remains though that as soon as basketball was taken out of the picture, the case was quickly resolved. People have commended Waylon on him improved behavior, which is nice, but a lot of people don't do bad things to begin with. Let's all strive to be good people, shall we?
P.S. If you have anything you would like to discuss with the Page 3 writers, please email us at and refrain from calling us at home.
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question_mark.gifwaylon (Guest)
04/19/2004 @ 06:42:07 PM
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Hey Sarah, Jeremy, and whoever this may concern. I would reccomend taking this off of the internet or there will be lawsuits filed. Yes this is waylon meyer. And no you dont know shit about this. I took a non-guilty plea and not a giulty plea by the way. why? Because like my uncle said I am an avid huntsman and fisherman and I dint want that taken away from me so I would suggest taking this off as soon as you can or you will be hearing from my lawyer. You are going against what the law has written by saying my name on your page. No where in anything can you say my name. And if you dont listen to what I have to say you will be paying the consecuences!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Waylon Meyer
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question_mark.gifwaylon (Guest)
04/19/2004 @ 06:44:44 PM
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And dont think that I'm kidding around because I'm not. This is a serious matter and for me to get all of this behind me and move on you need to stop with this harrassment. And yes it was my mother that called your house earlier and if you dont answer or call back next time we call you will be getting a call from my lawyer with you name printed on a peice of paper that states a whole new case between me and you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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fry6beeu9.jpgJeremy - As Seen On The Internet
04/19/2004 @ 06:46:16 PM
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This page is all of ours, who happened to write the article is not important, if you take the time to read what you are complaining about you would see many people have had input on the issue.
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question_mark.gifAnon. Nut Can Fan (Guest)
04/19/2004 @ 06:48:42 PM
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I dont care whos page this is. If its not removed you all then will be facing consecuences! I dont care who you are. Or what you are. Just do it!
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fry6beeu9.jpgJeremy - I hate our freedoms
04/19/2004 @ 06:49:41 PM
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Your name has been used multiple times in the paper.

Also since you just used your name yourself on the page I doubt you'ld have much of a case.

It's called freedom of speech. She didn't say much if anything about you personally so even if you proceeded you wouldn't have a case for libel...but nice try.
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question_mark.gifAnon. Nut Can Fan (Guest)
04/19/2004 @ 06:58:32 PM
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Ok all I ask is that you remove this. It obviously hasnt drawn any attention in over 2 months so I think you should drop this. All I ask is that you please refrain this as soon as possible.
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fry6beeu9.jpgJeremy - Broadcast in stunning 1080i
04/19/2004 @ 07:18:15 PM
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It was dropped until your mom called Sarah and your girlfriend posted here.

This was just one of many outdated articles that no one reads anymore on here.

You can't make us take this down anymore than you can make the Leader Telegram delete any mention of you in articles or opinion sections from thier archives.

Dude, honestly, there are like 7 billion things worse than what happened, and we have been told by your uncle about the situation and, honestly, I'm on your side. I think you and the girl were used as pawns and got royally screwed in all of this.

Our only gripe was that we didn't like putting sports before court. There isn't anything here that isn't on 50 other places, other than we got some inside info, and are better for it.

If you are afraid people will read this and not get your side then write up your side so it will be on here. I'll even make it part of the actual article.

But since nothing was false (other than the stuff about kobe) it's not fair to take it down.
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question_mark.gifBecky (Guest)
04/19/2004 @ 07:22:55 PM
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Hello. I just wanted to comment on the article. People are more than able to state their opinions, there is no harm in that. What about the 14 year old girl who had the assault done to her? She will more than likely have long term psychological affects as she grows older. This is why people make such a big deal over sexual offenders. If your threatening lawyers against any page 3 members, i wouldn't suggest using the word "shit" in your statement. That just proves how immature you (name witheld....) are being about the situation. Many articles in the Newspaper statewide have said many more offending things than what Sarah or anyone else from page 3 had said. Face the consequences????? Are you joking me. Why don't you take your own advice and face YOUR consequences.
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Might_Guy.JPGBret - Haha Jeremy I'm going to try and break your website with a buffer overflow comment. Oh shoot I don't know what else to type...
04/19/2004 @ 09:22:25 PM
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This message is to waylan - its pretty weak having your mom call someone personally at home. Granted I would be upset if people were talking about my life on some webpage, however, posting on their blog to take it down or you're gonna get sued and getting your mommy to call someone AT THEIR PERSONAL RESIDENCE is just plain RUDE and CHILDISH!! I suggest you brush up on your manners, and discipline, and leave your mother out of this. We all have a right to our own opinions, and I'm not afraid to speak mine.
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Might_Guy.JPGBret - Haha Jeremy I'm going to try and break your website with a buffer overflow comment. Oh shoot I don't know what else to type...
04/19/2004 @ 09:47:26 PM
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Now on the flipside of the issue, I feel bad for you. (waylan) I know what kinds of pressures there were in high school (not to your extreme of course), and it must suck. So I hope you do resolve your court issues and are able to still make a run for going to college and getting a good degree. (And playing sports too!) The media can be a sick and twisted machine!!
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jeremy.jpgJeremy - 9594 Posts
04/19/2004 @ 09:53:43 PM
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Most of the things in the article were taken right out of the paper. (For example, at the time he was expected to plead guilty, according to the paper.)

What I don't understand is why you would want this taken down.

First off it's just a 2 bit website, less than 100 people have even been to the article. The only reason I'm making any fuss at all is because I feel compelled to stick up for our rights. To be honest if Waylon had just asked if this could be taken down it wouldn't have been a big deal. Calling us at home and threatning us on the website is not cool and that's why it's not coming down.

Secondly unlike the newspaper articles which are read by hundreds and can print stuff without rebuttles or the opinion section of the paper which people can blast other people without rebuttle this page is covered in people defending Waylon. Unlike 50 other pages this website serves as the only place where "the other side of the story" is actually told right along side of the article.

If anything you should insist that anyone who heard about the case before comes here to read this.
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fry6beeu9.jpgJeremy - Cube Phenomenoligist
04/19/2004 @ 09:57:43 PM
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PS You do NOT have permission to call any of us. Please keep anything pertaining to the website on the website. If your mom wants to talk to us she can post on here or email the site, Sarah, or I.
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question_mark.gifLesa (Guest)
04/20/2004 @ 10:13:41 AM
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I moved to Hudson a little over a year ago and that is when i first meet Waylon. he is one of the most decent guys i know and for you to call him childish for trying to get this shit cleard off the inter-net just shows that you are an ignorent f**ker. if your name was all over the net and people you didnt know were talking about you you would be pretty pissed to. if i was him i would have callled you and done the exact same thing. grow up all of you that think you have the rigth to interfere and talk shit when most of you havent even meet him. waylon i want you to know i got your back through it all.
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question_mark.gifmill (Guest)
04/20/2004 @ 10:55:07 AM
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You guys are dumb for saying that we are immature. honestly who is the immature ones writing about other peoples lives not only one person but two to be exact. two people you have no clue about!! and for the future people dont go searching for websites about friends we hear about it from other people. so we decided that we would put our two cents in this issue since we know the FACTS, facts key word there. So none of you should be commenting on anything unless you know the facts which you dont so continue on with your lives and stop worrying about others. Also might I add that he DID NOT take a gulity plea! It's a no contest plea! Also knowing him well yes he wanted to play basketball for the rest of the year becasue he is a senior becasue next year he will be going to college for football not basketball. Hey aslo how old are you guys in your twenties and your still worried about other peoples lives i think you should be concentrating on your own!
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jeremy.jpgJeremy - 9594 Posts
04/20/2004 @ 11:19:32 AM
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First off the English Department in Hudson needs some serious revamping.

Secondly, the person saying you were childish is someone not even affiliated with the website.

Thirdly, this was written forever ago, stop acting like she wrote it yesterday.

Fourth, no I wouldn't like people talking about me, but I haven't done anything wrong to warrent discussion about me.

Fifth, no contest is pleading guilty. It's marked officially as "guily / no contest." I can provide a link directly to the public court records if you want.

Lastly, how about you all stop saying "I know the facts" and actually state them. This is an open forum for you all to say anything you want. So stop defending him with swearing and start defending him with these "facts" that you know.
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jeremy.jpgJeremy - No one's gay for Moleman
04/20/2004 @ 12:23:06 PM
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By the way -

Do you have any idea how stupid this concept of "you have no right to an opinion on someone unless you know them personally" is?

Are you telling me that every person you dislike you know them personally?

In November americans are going to go decide who gets to be, for all intents and purposes, the most important person on the planet. Most of those people will never have seen the candidates in person, let alone met, and certainly don't know them on a personal level. Are you telling me that no one has a right to form and opinion on Kerry or Bush unless they know them personally? Cause I don't think there would be much of a turnout if that was the case.
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question_mark.gifChadwick (Guest)
04/20/2004 @ 12:42:18 PM
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Good luck on these as well:
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question_mark.gifAnon. Nut Can Fan (Guest)
04/20/2004 @ 01:16:29 PM
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Jeremy no one really cares how people spell honestly unless its you. But your an exception obviously. Actually this article was just written two months ago and it is not old. Who cares how old the issue is no one cares its that your still talking, talking, talking. Also most of these letters are a response to Sarah not you Jeremy. No where on the article does it say that you wrote it. These comments are for her not you. And the whole president is just stupid because it has nothing to do with the person themselves but what their parties offer to the U.S. So you can drop that. The funny thing is you were trying to rip on people about trying to find websites about waylon but you did it.LOL.So Jeremy just stop talking. did your mother ever tell you to stay out of peoples bussiness? Guess not. Well heres a some advice you should try it sometime it's actaully not bad worrying about yourself and not others!
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question_mark.gifAnon. Nut Can Fan (Guest)
04/20/2004 @ 01:21:03 PM
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Also the whole "you didn't have permission to call any of us" uh.. lets go against our own word. Becasue you didn't have permission to talk about Waylon and Sarah didn't have permission to write about him either.
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jeremy.jpgJeremy - As Seen On The Internet
04/20/2004 @ 02:09:13 PM
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I didn't post those web sites, someone else did, read the names next time.

There's a difference between spelling errors and something being virtually unreadable.

We weren't talking about the issue until you guys came here.

Like I said before, this page is all of ours, so I have just as much right to defend the page as anyone, it doesn't matter who wrote it.

You don't need permission to write about people. Calling them is a whole different ball game. I was simply warning that these calls were unsolicited and not wanted.

While I agree the president is stupid I think what you meant to say was that my analogy about the presidents was stupid. Not everyone votes democratic or republican based strictly on what party they belong to. So not only do you have no point there but you failed to comment on the bigger picture of what I meant with the analogy, which was that you don't need to know people to have an opinion about them.

In fact, if anything you proved my point because you implied that it is ok to form an opinion about how a person thinks or acts knowing nothing about them except their political party.
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question_mark.gifBECKS! (Guest)
04/20/2004 @ 02:14:21 PM
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Hey Everyone!!! : ) : )
First of all, most people who have commented on this article have been hyprocrites. Hudson people have been saying how immature this whole deal is. I believe words such as "fuck, shit, ignorant fucker, acting like britney spears, and telling people to go to hell," is pretty immature. Yes? And whoever the genis is for saying that we were all in our twenties, what do you want, a cookie? Yes, we are all college students who have opinions. Is that a crime now?..ummMm apparently. And the whole harrassment issue, ya gotta be kidding me. IF anyone has been harassing people its all the "hudson fans". I haven't read any harassing issues on page 3, except for those telling Sarah to go to hell and that Jeremy is an ignorant fucker(funny how the immaturity goes along with the harrasment, EH?) Also whoever said that sarah was "pulling a britney spears move", this is also hyprocritical when that SAME person said not to judge people. I know all of you guys are still in high school and have your mommies to protect you and cover your wounds with a band-aid. In a few months you will be graduated (maybe) and move on to the real world, where crimes commited = jail time. And you don't have your mom to cover you butt. So I suggest to everyone from Hudson to grow up (a little faster)and move on. DROP IT!!!
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hoochpage.JPGSarah - 4718 Posts
04/20/2004 @ 02:38:55 PM
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Ok, wow this is the most readership we've had in awhile. Too bad it's on something that's almost 3 months old. And I thought my most controversial article was the football vs. baseball one. I wrote this article because I had read many other articles about the situation. I was outraged that someone who played a sport was getting his court date set back so he could finish the season and therefore get college scholarships. How is that fair to anyone else? The justice system should be fair. If you do something wrong, you shouldn't receive special priviliges because you play sports. And yet we see it happen time and time again. Especially with professional sports, and I was mad that it had gone down to the HIGH SCHOOL level. In a way, this was just a letter to the Voice of the People, only it was on my own website. Had I written to Voice of the People 1000's would have seen it and you wouldn't have a chance at a rebuttle. Some of the responses to it have been intelligent and thought provoking. I don't know if any of it has changed my mind, but I got to hear other people's opinions about the subject. For those who just choose to harass, well I suppose that's your own business. It's not very constructive and doesn't help your point(s). It's a lot easier to catch flies with honey than with vinegar and it's a shame no one tried that.
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question_mark.gifStephanie (Guest)
04/20/2004 @ 06:43:10 PM
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I have known Waylon for many years. He is a good friend of mine and I feel that what your are doing on this website is wrong. I am still trying to figure out how you think it is your place to talk about the misfortunes of anothers life. Whether he is guilty or not is not the point. You want to talk about having a conscience then maybe you should look at yourself. It does not concern you in any way yet you persist on giving your irrelevant opinion on the subject. I am familiar with freedom of speech but i believe you have taken it a little to far. I find it complelety wrong on your part to use his name on your website. It is one thing to voice your opinion on the subject but another to use names, especially of persons of which you do not know. I would have expected a more mature reponse from people of your age. I am not saying that your opinion is wrong. I believe in expressing opinions but only if done in a mature and respectful way. You have done neither.
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jeremy.jpgJeremy - 9594 Posts
04/20/2004 @ 07:36:48 PM
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He used his name...twice...we took the picture of him down, be happy with that.
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jeremy.jpgJeremy - Super Chocolate Bear
04/20/2004 @ 07:44:26 PM
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We can discuss it for the same reason people can give their opinions on the war or anything else. It was in the news and she just chose to write about it, I don't understand why this is so wrong while the same type of thing is in every paper in the state.

In fact I read the Spectator article that chadwick left the link to above and it's basicly the same article, which gets read by the entire campus.
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fry6beeu9.jpgJeremy - Cube Phenomenoligist
04/20/2004 @ 07:52:42 PM
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There, any reference to his name is not used in the article. Happy?
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newalex.jpgicbizzle - Who controls the past now controls the future
04/20/2004 @ 07:59:20 PM
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I would just like to say that using someone's name on a website is the same as using it on radio, on TV, in a newspaper, or even just plain saying it out loud. George W. Bush, oh no I said the President's name. The Secret Service is going to call my parents now and sue me. This whole thing has been blown way out of proportion. Go Bucks!
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question_mark.gifAnon. Nut Can Fan (Guest)
04/20/2004 @ 08:49:54 PM
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becky you act like you know the real world.. you dont, you live in eau claire for sake oh ya thats the real world for sure. just a bunch of snotty stuck up people who think they know stuff about the real world which they obviously dont. the whole thing about our parents being there for your info not everyone in highschools live with there parents including me and have to pay for there own stuff. im sue your mommy and daddy are paying for your college right now. and whether we are graduated or not im sure your MOMMY still covers your butt too. so you made no sense with that. Im sure if all of those abd things were happening to you your mom would be the same way want the best for her child. And if you say something like he needs to pay for what he did.. and take his part well guess what news flash to everyone on this site. HE DID NOT DO IT!!!!
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jeremy.jpgJeremy - Cube Phenomenoligist
04/20/2004 @ 09:01:18 PM
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"And if you say something like he needs to pay for what he did.. and take his part well guess what news flash to everyone on this site." - What the hell does that even mean?

His mom never argued that it didn't happen, just that the punishment didn't fit the crime, put 2 and 2 together. (The answer is 4 by the way, I'm not sure if you skipped math class while you were skipping english).

Likewise his uncle said it happened, "Sadly, these are kids being kids, all a part of the growing up process. There was not rape or anything violent."

So we don't know anything over here in tiny Eau Claire, but in the booming metropolis of Hudson you know how things work?

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question_mark.gifAnon. Nut Can Fan (Guest)
04/20/2004 @ 09:07:30 PM
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See here's the thing. Becky doesn't do anything wrong and doesn't need her butt covered by anyone. She's a respectable person working her ass off AND going to college. There is such a thing as being a good person and doing the right thing. She hasn't had to plead guilty/no contest to anything. So really, there's no case in ripping on her. But it was a nice try, I was almost able to decipher most of it.
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question_mark.gifAnon. Nut Can Fan (Guest)
04/20/2004 @ 09:15:11 PM
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im not from Hudosn idiot!!
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question_mark.gifRick (Guest)
04/20/2004 @ 09:20:18 PM
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Dear Sarah:

I've visited your web site and have read all the correspondence surrounding Waylon Meyer. First, we should all celebrate that we do in fact have freedom of the press here in the United States. We also enjoy the ability for each of us to express our opinions openly. A great loss of life continues to take place in Iraq and other parts of the world to preserve our most basic freedoms here at home.

With that said, with freedom also comes responsibility. In the area of free speech and expression specifically we would all enjoy a healthier society if everyone were capable of exercising caution in the words that are either spoken or placed into print. ("Words, like bullets, can not be returned to the gun once fired".) However, in the age where sensationalism equals sales, or a viewing audience, caution is gone with the wind which too often results in many good people getting hurt.

Your website is well done and it appears that perhaps it could have been a part of a college assignment or an idea someone had. Clearly, you are capable of expressing your opinion. Our country needs more people who are able to speak up for their opinions and values. At any rate, it was pleasing to see that enough information has been provided from different points of view so that many readers ought to get a sense for the great difficulty our legal system has in sorting out the truth and best course of action. As in many cases, this case has many levels and complexities to it.

Many good people have suffered from this case and there are NO winners here. If I were able to, I'd stop the pain for ALL involved and work to help others to avoid similiar hardships.

You and your co-authors have all just turned 20 something years of age. At this age much appears black and white. Unfortunately, as you will learn, issues become grayer as we mature and begin to understand our own limitations when it comes to the process of life.

I kindly request that you place a copy of your article on Waylon Meyer into a safe and secure place. Then, after you experience your first issue or disappointment with one of your own teenagers I ask that you retrive the article and re-read it. It will not be until you are standing in the shoes as a parent yourself that you will be able to grasp how far your opinions are from reality. -- Raising children is not as easy as writing your name in the fog on the mirror in the morning.

It is not my place or intention to share still more facts here. I'm certain that both teenagers involved in this case will grow up to become fine and productive human beings. I can say this because ALL the parents involved on both sides (Friends & Family Included) are working overtime to recover & rebuild families that are love filled and functional.

There are top notch people involved from both families and everyone has suffered more than enough. The best thing the public can do is simply to bug out and let these families get on with healing minus public opinion and websites.

It is my belief that if you were 100% sure that your article on concerning a 14 year old and a 15 year old was causing real pain you would remove it from your website. In my opinion, that would be the right and responsible thing to do.

Thank you in advance for reflecting on my request to help ease the pain for all by removing your article from the net.


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jeremy.jpgJeremy - Super Chocolate Bear
04/20/2004 @ 09:33:05 PM
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I never accused you of being from Hudosn.

We were all "bugging" out. No one had posted on this for 2 months. It was a closed issue until his friends reopened it.

OK, hear me loud and clear.

There are MANY sites where people can get information on the case.

This is the one and only place on earth with the other side of the story on it.

Why would you want this taken down so that all that is left is one sided newspaper reports and such?
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scott.jpgScott - 6225 Posts
04/20/2004 @ 09:36:02 PM
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I am a regular reader of this website, and I would like to add my 2 cents in defense of this article and those involved. I do not know the high schooler mentioned in the article, so I cannot say anything about him specifically. But what I can say, and what I think Sarah was trying get across, is that the legal system is flawed. The example used about a Hudson basketball player was simply a variable in an equation that doesn't add up. The example of a LA Lakers basketball player was the same thing. The goal of this article was not to slander anyone or to rip someone down, the main objective (what I saw anyway) was to point out how screwed up the legal system can be, in that there are instances where people are getting special treatment in regards to the law, and both cases mentioned happen to be involved in sports. That point, however, is getting lost in the fog of emotion as those who knew the Hudson player personally saw it as nothing more than muckraking. As touchy of a subject as this was, the point of the article was not to condemn any person, but to point a finger at the legal system, which in both cases gave exceptions to people in closely parallel situations.
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question_mark.gifCarl (Guest)
04/20/2004 @ 09:51:19 PM
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At the risk of sounding like a proud veteran, I'll say what I want. I am infact that, a proud veteran.

I'm proud that my friends can write about what is on their mind. I'm proud that people can excercise that which is afforded them by their rights as American citizens.

I will offer no witty incite or anything for or against what Sarah, Jeremy, Matt, or Jon say. They are, however, to be commended for their ability to voice their opinion. Commend them on this, their long running hobby page and allow them to continue.

I will offer this, however. As a veteran of Iraq, Im proud to see that people are using their rights passed down to them by generations veterans. They're doing just what was meant to be done... to offer their unique opinion to anyone who would read them.


and yes, the vikings will fall to their superiors.... namely the packers. GO PACK
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question_mark.gifRickl (Guest)
04/20/2004 @ 10:07:45 PM
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A bit more:

I agree that the legal system has huge holes in it. However, if that was the intent, the unexpected consequence has been additional pain and stress for many.

If if fact your intentions are to point out that sports figures get breaks tell us something we don't know. Is it sports figures, or, simply people with large sums of money.

My point is this: We are all connected at some level. We each ought to give thought to what we say or publish concerning the impact it can have on others.

Example: Some years ago my father got crushed to death when his farm tractor tipped over on him. The Newspaper also printed that my father had an OUI some years prior within the same article in which it wrote about his death. I felt that pain and lack of respect for a man who had just gotten crushed to death. Point being... authors ought to consider the true power of their words on others.

Remember, not everyone is only "half awake". Those who are in pain are very awake and feel everything. Please consider this as you publish. At the end of the day it does not matter if your article remains on the net or not. Both teenagers will out grow this and be huge successes. After all, this is "Old News".


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jeremy.jpgJeremy - No one's gay for Moleman
04/20/2004 @ 10:27:15 PM
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If if fact your intentions are to point out that sports figures get breaks tell us something we don't know. Is it sports figures, or, simply people with large sums of money.

This was the whole point of her outrage. It's bad enough for rich professional athletes to have legal matters worked into thier earliest convenience. To start giving High School players this luxury was enfuriating to her.

Example: Some years ago my father got crushed to death when his farm tractor tipped over on him. The Newspaper also printed that my father had an OUI some years prior within the same article in which it wrote about his death. I felt that pain and lack of respect for a man who had just gotten crushed to death. Point being... authors ought to consider the true power of their words on others.

I'm sorry to hear about that, but this case wasn't something tragic with a needless tidbit thrown in.

Both teenagers will out grow this and be huge successes.

I hope so too.
After all, this is "Old News".

I agree, I've only been posting in response to others.
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question_mark.gifBECKS !! (Guest)
04/21/2004 @ 01:00:39 AM
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Well Hello AGAIN!
Okay, this has gone too out of control. Once again some little high school is trying to be mature, but only proves the immaturity of this whole ordeal. Calling me, "snotty and stuck up" is the MOST judgemental thing you could possibly say (especially when all you hudson people have been saying that judging people is SO wrong). I would also like to add that I am a very independent, outgoing, hardworking college student and would never dream of doing anything of the sort to screw up my future, i'm a smart cookie! Also, bad is spelt "bad" not "abd". I would never do such a thing, and this is why my mom wouldn't have to stick up for me. Even if i were to do something so out of the ordinary, my mom would tell me its my fault and to face my consequences. Unlike some people, I was raised on morals. Funny how some guy can write in and preach the bible, but everyone else who have the same opinion has him have to cuss and threaten. But, WAIT! here is a BRILLIANT idea.. Sarah and Waylon probably both agree that this WHOLE subject should be why doesn't everyone RESPECT this idea and have this be the VERY LAST comment on this webpage. Thanks Lady and Gents :)
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question_mark.gifLL (Guest)
04/21/2004 @ 10:06:01 AM
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Even though i am only in high school i have meet people that are so shallow that when they dont get what they want the they will do anything in their power to bring down who ever stopped. I believe that is what happened in this case Brittney is a dumb skank that is trying to ruin te lives of people that in one point of time stopped her from getting what she wants.

I a question for all of mature Eau Claire students... does it make you feel good ripping on high school students does it make you feel COOL, because it really makes you look STUPID!

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jeremy.jpgJeremy - No one's gay for Moleman
04/21/2004 @ 11:25:08 AM
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So let me get this straight. You start talking trash. She responds to your comments and defends herself. Somehow in your warped little mind this makes her immature? Not to sound...oh I dunno...childish...but you started it.

ps What does "I a question" mean?
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question_mark.gifBecky (Guest)
04/21/2004 @ 11:46:56 AM
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I am not "ripping" on you little high school students. I am trying to show you how to be respectful of others. You say to not judge people, so then why call people "skanks and fuckers". That is your immaturity at its greatest height. I can openly put my name on this Website, because I am not embarassed of anything that I have said. You don't have enough balls to put your first name on here (i completely understand that no last names are used, cause then people look you up in phone books and call your house) If you have to use initals, this is openly showing that you do not want people to know who you are, because your comments on this page or childish and not necessary. Honestly, suck it up that this is over and done with. Waylon nor Sarah have posted anything on here in quite some time now (doesn't that explain anything??), so once again, I'm using the word "respect" and seeing if any of your minds can figure it out.
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question_mark.gifnonya (Guest)
04/21/2004 @ 06:43:38 PM
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becky no one gives a rip on what you think so use your own advice and respect people. the only rason why people are calling you those names cause you came in talking like you know shit and you obviously dont so if you watched your mouth people wouldn't say shit to you. who the cares if we dont put our names on it big deal wow its the end of the world uh ohh. and honestly we don't have enough balls to put our name on this site. ya we are definately scared of your bout it ass now aren't we lol your a joke... and your talking about waylon and sarah haven't posted shit on here for awhile and we should stop talking but scroll down you are the one still talking like you have to get the last word so right back to your dumb ass. your mind isnt bigger than our aneways. so you figure it out with your little ass mind too.respect
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question_mark.gifBecky (Guest)
04/21/2004 @ 06:57:38 PM
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fry6beeu9.jpgJeremy - No one's gay for Moleman
04/21/2004 @ 07:12:50 PM
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Wow indeed, I would defend you except I'm not really even sure what that says.

It's like they're having a competition to see who can make the most poorly written, hardest to decipher posts.

A couple more days and they will just be posting things like "Kelsey Grammer, you shanked my jenga jam. Legitimate business" a few days after that they'll just post "dslkjflsdjlkdfgjhfdsghioweiurwenrenrmb wer sdkljhfoipe poe kfeoiur dslkheb"
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scott.jpgScott - 6225 Posts
04/21/2004 @ 07:19:07 PM
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Seriously, can high schoolers not say anything without adding swear words? Speak intelligently.

"scared of your bout it ass now aren't we " what does this mean?

And what's with the name-calling?

Personally, I haven't really seen any "ripping" of any kind in the article, except on the legal system.
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question_mark.gifLL (Guest)
04/22/2004 @ 09:56:55 AM
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Becky i did not say anything about anyone on this site except how you guys need to grow up and act your age. You all talk about how this is old and how we should stop writing about this well same to you if you think we are being childish then stop responding to are "childish" notes. Take your own advice. and the whole name thing, is that the only thing you can come up with as a response well good job if i had a cookie i would give it to you hahaha (i thought that was funny) well i hope all of you adults can come up with a good one to this note so i can have my laugh of the day.
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question_mark.gifLL (Guest)
04/22/2004 @ 10:16:09 AM
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Just out of curiosity i was wondering if you guys sit by your computer waiting for someone to write just so you can get your little two cents in, hahaha (I thought that was pretty funny too)
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jeremy.jpgJeremy - No one's gay for Moleman
04/22/2004 @ 01:02:47 PM
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Why would we let a little snot nosed brat have the last word? hahahaha (I thought that was lame)

I hardly think you're in any position to make fun of the people that run this page for visiting it often seeing as that last comment marked your 20th visit. 18 of them in the last few days. How come you didn't leave a comment when you were here Feb, 12th or Feb 23rd? Did you not care about Waylon then or did you just not feel like ripping on us?

So to answer your question we don't sit by the computer waiting for comments. In college you spend most of your time on a computer and we have a very efficient way of seeing if anything is going on on the page.

(Incidentally, do you know what a bookmark is? Or can't you remember the URL? You have to google it everytime?)
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scott.jpgScott - You're going to have to call your hardware guy. It's not a software issue.
04/22/2004 @ 03:51:28 PM
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I definitely visit this site a lot. I think my record high was something like 50,000 in one day (i think that was my computer being dumb though, according to the counter). Also, I work 4 hours a week in a photolab with very little to do but sit on a computer, so yes, I do spend a lot of time on a computer.

ps MACs suck
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question_mark.gifLL (Guest)
04/22/2004 @ 11:48:59 PM
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Jeremy you were right that "snot nosed brat" comment was pretty lame. Did you make it up all by yourself or did you "college friends" help you out with that one.

Before you start talking shit about how I was here in Feb. get your facts straight. I found out about this web-site earlier this week, and believe me if I would have known about this in Feb. I would have commented.

Becky I think that it is so funny that when ever something is said to you, Jeremy always "defends" you. What is he you little B***h that comes to your rescue when ever you need help. Damn grow some BALLS and start responding yourself!!!

And one more thing before I go Jeremy as I recall you were the one that said "Who gives a crap about HIGH SCHOOL basketball?" Well to answer your question obviously you give a "crap" because if you didnt't you would have shut up a long time ago.

Well until next time you "college students" respond (which i am sure will be in about 5 min. damn I thought that was pretty funny too, I am just on a roll.) have fun thinking of some more dumb shit to say.
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fry6beeu9.jpgJeremy - 9594 Posts
04/22/2004 @ 11:55:39 PM
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Now that it's 5 minutes later I'll comment.

Who has been talking about basketball? Were you talking about basketball when you typed "scared of your bout it ass now aren't we"? Because no one knows what that means, so I guess it could be about basketball.

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question_mark.gifBecky (Guest)
04/23/2004 @ 12:32:04 AM
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Hey fruit
U speaka no Englesh or what? u need spend more time att th librraaayeee or what? Anyways, moving on. I just don't understand what your trying to accomplish by getting all fiesty and having these big cussing tantrums. Go grab a pillow and punch it or something, cause damn your a little hostile. (haha..or was that a taco bell?..) You obvioulsy love coming to this website or you woudln't be here all the time. I know, its quite entertaining. Thats what this is.. ENTERTAINMENT (not something to get all worked up about). Also, why are you trying to cover up how many times you come to this website? Jeremy is a very smart guy (designing webpages, and woops his major might have a little something to do with computers...) So he knows what he is doing. You can't cover up anything that is recorded. HA! ouch, sorry you made me laugh this time. Jeremy defends ME? WHAT THE HECK ARE YOU DOING RIGHT NOW FOR WAYLON..YOU TRULY ARE A HYPOCRITE AND A HIGHSCHOOL STUDENT!! Heres a tip for you: If you are trying to rip on people, make sure you are not doing the same thing for someone else. wink wink! Also Jeremy is not my "little bitch" and we have known each other for quite some time now. He probably just thinks all your immature comments are funny. (much like everyone else who is visiting this page EVERY MINUTE!) Have you noticed that your not even discussing the main topic anymore? Okay, goodnight, get your mom to tuck you in all safe and sound.
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question_mark.gifCarl (Guest)
04/23/2004 @ 12:33:11 AM
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its like a trainwreck. i can't stop watching....

everyone shut up. that includes me.
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fry6beeu9.jpgJeremy - Broadcast in stunning 1080i
04/23/2004 @ 12:36:27 AM
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Well she did post that last comment from a different computer than the others. So maybe it was just who ever owns that other computer.
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question_mark.gifRobert (Guest)
04/23/2004 @ 03:46:51 PM
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First off, I don't know much about this case. Secondly, I am not from either Eau Claire or Hudson. Thirdly, I am neither a stuck up college kid or a snot nosed high schooler.

Okay, now that we have that out of the way....

I'd just like to say that I wished the Packers would have won the Superbowl this year.

Oh yeah, and I wish I could read all of these comments, but I babblefish doesn't translate gibberish. Sorry.
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fry6beeu9.jpgJeremy - 9594 Posts
04/23/2004 @ 03:51:04 PM
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What about Hudosn?
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question_mark.gifLL (Guest)
04/24/2004 @ 01:01:27 PM
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Becky i am going to have to disagree with you i really dont think taht Jeremy is as smart as you say he is. All of the comments i have made have been on weekdays in the morning and since you guys are the ones making a big deal that we are "high schoolers" i am very suprised that you did not put two adntwo together (by the its 4) and realise that i was at school. and the school computers get used my many people everyday so next time lets make sure you have your facts straight.

i was just wondering how do you figure that i wrote the comment that has nonya. all of my comments have LL on them so shut up about shit you do know about
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question_mark.gifJerry Jaba (Guest)
04/24/2004 @ 06:41:00 PM
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First off, i think everyone that has posted from the "Hudson Metropolis" is certainly retarded. I have never in my life seen such poor use of grammar, punctuation, and use of the human brain. can you not even use the ten percent granted to you at birth to implement a complete thought to your bitching? no, you cant you fuckers. that's right. fuckers. ill be as immature as i want but at least my thoughts are virtually readable. (jimmy, you goof, you make me giggle)

The second part of my post is MY INPUT. sue me. do it! =)

I think waylon is a no-good rapist ass motherfucking cocksucking immature, unenlightened, drug-using pedaphile.

and why? am i just another fool who is making incorrect assumptions for the sole purpose of getting my jollies off embarassing/uncovering a John Doe?

No, these are the facts, fuckers:

We're talking about Waylon Meyer. Know him? a little. wouldnt say if i did. respect him? Fuck no. most dishonest human i've ever met in my life. Not only is he an alleged "Rapist" or "Kid being a kid"--with his step-sister
******* Frost downstairs in Troy County with the lights off and everyone sleeping, door closed where no one could hear..............................but,

he does drugs, has sold drugs, and for a fact, has commited this crime more than once unreportedly. not to his step-sister fortunately, (although rumors have been circulating since elementary school that he touched his sister at one point)
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fry6beeu9.jpgJeremy - I hate our freedoms
04/24/2004 @ 09:59:37 PM
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We make it a point to keep comments in tact and not delete anything, so for now we won't do anything with that last post.

Just know that that post was not made by anyone affiliated with the website.

P.S. LL, It's hard to take you seriously when you call someone stupid and then type " adntwo together (by the its 4) and realise".....OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOh, If you want it to be possessive, it's just "ITS." But, if it's supposed to be a contraction then it's "I-T-apostrophe-S," scalawag.

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scott.jpgScott - Ma'am, can you make sure your computer is turned on?
04/27/2004 @ 05:51:23 PM
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Wow, I guess this is done.
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question_mark.gifanon. (Guest)
04/28/2004 @ 08:28:24 AM
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personally i do know the accused, i do not know if he was guilty, or what all was involved, i am not going to delve into that...but what i do know, is that he is a worthless arrogant human being, even if he did not commit the crime, he gives off the aura.... in school he still makes very innappropriate comments and actions about other peoples girlfriends... i know some guys do this, but i dont think that "you have nice DSL's" and "id do anything to fuck her" is any way to talk to someone elses girlfriend ESPECIALLY WHEN YOU HAVE A GIRLFRIEND OF YOUR OWN... i can verify some of "jerry jabas" comments, i not knowing in full cannot hate him for what he allegedly did, but i can and WILL hate him to the death for his personality, who he is and how he treats other people, guilty or not, he deserves no sympathy
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question_mark.gifAnon (Guest)
04/28/2004 @ 09:06:38 AM
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I agree with the other anon and jaba that "WAYLO" is an incredible waste of space. i talk to him and see him personally every day and know for a fact that if you took a poll 99.9 % of the students here at Hudson would agree. he has the reputation of not being able to keep his hands to himself. i think that it's about time he learned a lesson and realized that GIRLS DON'T LIKE HIM. i could think of multiple times that he has said things in class to my friends girlfriends that could have gotten him assault too. if i had any advice to give girls out there that come in contact with him i'd say stay away.i also can and WILL hate him to the death for his personality, who he is and how he treats other people, guilty or not, he does deserve no sympathy!!
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question_mark.gifBecky (Guest)
04/28/2004 @ 02:31:38 PM
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scott.jpgScott - 6225 Posts
04/30/2004 @ 05:35:15 PM
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wow indeed
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question_mark.gifRobert (Guest)
05/01/2004 @ 05:49:02 PM
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Sure looks like this Waylon guy is a major douche bag. Whether or not he committed the crime (more on this in a second), he should be strung up by his balls till they fall off.

Now, about Waylon being guilty or not: I don't know the facts of the actuall crime, so therefore I can't comment. However, I can comment on all of Waylon's friends who are rushing in to his defense. You really need to settle down and find out what the real world is like. I would like to commend Tim Meyer on his candor and maturity in posting on this board. He was knew that a calm discussion would get more done than going off on someone saying "f-this" and "you don't know shit".

Well, guess what, the author of this article and those that posted "don't know shit" about what happened other than what was posted in newspapers and the account that Mr. Meyer was mature enough to bring forth. Now, the comments saying "you don't know him" really don't do much. For those that know Waylon, I find it hard to believe that they have an honest ability to assess what kind of person he really is. He's your friend, and therefore you should stand by him and believe everything he says. Don't worry, though, someday you'll get to the real world, where you find out life isn't so black and white.
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jeremy.jpgJeremy - 9594 Posts
05/07/2004 @ 09:39:18 AM
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I love the fact that his friends thought we were like the worst people ever for just discussing the case. Then numerous people come and say things about him that are 1000 times worse than anything we ever said and that ended the conversation.

I know his friends check, quite often actually, but I guess saying basketball shouldn't come before the law is much worse than calling him an awful person, and calling his friends morons.
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question_mark.gifEmelia Daniels (Guest)
05/12/2004 @ 08:03:11 PM
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hey jerry jaba and Anon. personally i don't think that you know him that well to be talking about him like that. If you know him that well you must have been his friend at one point of time. It's funny how you talk about him on this profound website but dont say any of this to his face at school. You are just a small town kid that believes rumors and what evryone says about him. And coming from a large city( St.Paul)I see that this town has nothing better to do but talk about the misfortunes of others and what their opinion is of them. I have lived here for only 9 months and think it's funny how many hippocrits we have in our school. One minute you are his buddy and then you turn your back becasue of a accusation made againest him. If you knew him so well you must have been his friend and he hasn't changed the person he is since then.He has actaully grown to be a better person and take all of the nasty comments people make about his life. the keyword there his life. I'm sureif it happened to you you would not be able to put up with all he has these last three years. He is not what you say he is and if he is why can't you say it to his face or identify your self onthis website with your real name. If you don't like him ,Anon, then why do you talk to him every day? Youhave the wrong impression of him by the way Jerry Jaba becasue I am with im everyday for the last six months and know that he does not do drugs for a fact. I also know that he does not sell drugs either. he is a clean kid!!! He also is not a theif. Like I said before I am with him everyday and know what he does and does not do. Everything that you stated was not true and if you really want to confirm it you can ask me or him. And you are trying to say that you have not messed around with girls! who cares if he had sexual encounters with girls it was consenseual. You are just "keeping it real" by what writing abou tthe past and not the present. People are forgiven for their mistaked in life says it in the bible. Whether it be using substances, selling them, stealing things, everyone does those things it's called curiousity. Almost everyone tries drugs uses drugs in their life. Just for the future maybe if you have things to say you should post your real name on here or say it to his face. Obviously if you can't do either you are just a person who likes to talk about others lives behind their back and have nothing better to do but get pleasure off others misfortunes.
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question_mark.gifAnon. Nut Can Fan (Guest)
05/12/2004 @ 08:11:32 PM
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jerry jaba and anon if he says things like "I'd do anything to fuck her" and " you have nice dsl's" when did he say them and where?
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jeremy.jpgJeremy - Pie Racist
05/12/2004 @ 08:30:08 PM
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I've never used drugs, tried a cigarette, stolen anything, or assaulted anyone.
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scott.jpgScott - Resident Tech Support
05/13/2004 @ 02:03:40 PM
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Neither have I, and most of my friends are clean too. "Everyone" does not do it. Those who do are forgiven, but you can't justify sin or wrongdoings by saying "everyone does it".

ps I hate MACs
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question_mark.gifAnon. Nut Can Fan (Guest)
05/14/2004 @ 01:44:45 PM
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that is why I said almost everyone. hello!!
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fry6beeu9.jpgJeremy - Broadcast in stunning 1080i
05/14/2004 @ 02:51:17 PM
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Do you have any idea how stupid it sounds to claim that most people experiment with drug dealing?
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scott.jpgScott - On your mark...get set...Terrible!
05/17/2004 @ 07:46:58 PM
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it's empty rhetoric is what it is.
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question_mark.gifanon (Guest)
05/29/2004 @ 04:00:21 PM
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Emelia Daniels, you stupid whore, YOU shanked my jenga jam!


some could even call him incest

I dub thee, sir waylong meyer, king rapist!

wow, you guys should keep this page up, in case the board of admissions to the college he is applying to would like to know the truth, especially if they are about to waste money on a scholarship for a legitimate rapist facist child molesting piece of shit.

You have nice DSL's emelia. they would look so much nicer if you were 13 or 14 years old, and i bet he thinks of britney everytime he rams his throbbing member down your ugly throathole. im sick of you, you dumb cunt. stop posting here, you have nothing legible or meaningful to say. these people have visited this site to obtain information on a known RAPIST. capital R-A-P-E
and what the fuck do you mean, rumors? i do remember the paper stating and waylon himself stating, that he did in fact, plead guilty. so shut the fuck up you weak minded gullible bitch. i bet you believe everything waylong has had to say. i dont act on rumors, i act on fact and you have only lived here for a few months, so youre in no position to say that these people dont know waylon.
i hope you're his next victim. once this all blows over, im sure he'll try to snag you into a more serious relationship, in which he will rip your anus and give you a pink sock. (which im sure you're not close-minded to)
he's going to cheat on you like there's no tomorrow. ask him who paige is, the underage girl from river falls. or, ask him who christine emers is from woodbury, who said no, but he wouldn't relent. ask him about stephanie francis, who was also underage, and who also posted here defending him. Defend him, why? i do not know, perhaps she is still not old enough to determine right from wrong. i wonder how is 16 year old cock felt in your 14 year old mouth? he used alcohol, did he? shame , shame, shame on you. You should exercise your right fearlessly, right here, and tell us all about it. to the people who say, " what's the big deal, he's raped at LEAST one known victim?" i'll tell you what the big deal is: everytime waylon ejaculates, he creates an entity that is born to rape, steal, do drugs, and brag about everything.
Now to the part where you say waylon doesn't do drugs.

maybe he doesn't do drugs anymore, which i doubt, but he certainly did before. I remember the story : i downed 4 x pills and smoked an ounce of weed and drank 18 beers in one night. Thus his apparent stupidity, i might think..

and what do you know about drugs and drug dealers, little girl? wasn't it your ex- boyfriend that just got expelled from school for cocaine? were you not totally oblivious to this? or maybe you just found waylong and you thought he was your savior. well congratulations , emelia daniels. you've traded a drug dealer for a rapist.

Waylon's dad should have stained his sheets, not society.

do us all a favor, and at least, put some of you guys fucking on the internet, im into mean, dirty sex... and you're the perfect candidate you stupid dumb fucking cunt dirty little whore-bitch. i want to see you get stuffed in every hole and made into a creampie glazed donut.

Shit in your mouth and call it love, you're going to live with being hated for the rest of your fucking life. Cut the fucking testes off of your accidental, unwanted, demons you will call children.

waylon also tries on his mother's intimates.

i am legitamate biznes.

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fry6beeu9.jpgJeremy - 9594 Posts
05/29/2004 @ 08:29:20 PM
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Good God.

I don't know if your email address is actually your name, but if you are going to call out multiple people by their full name at least have the decency to put your name.

p.s. Unless Waylon killed your mother I don't see how you can hate him so badly.
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question_mark.gifA person who knows what happened (Guest)
06/19/2007 @ 11:58:05 PM
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I would just like to give everyone an update on what really happened that everyone talked about over 3 years ago. I that anyone that talked about the victim and said that all she was doing was getting attention is a horrible person. All the victim was doing was telling her mother what happened after months and months of being scared that Waylon would do something to her again when she was sleeping. she was scared to go to sleep at night and for every other week for over 6 months she did not sleep most nights when she was at her fathers house because of that fear.

The victim never wanted anyone to know what happened that is why she never told anyone until she feared so much for her life that she couldnt help but telling her MOTHEr. She never wanted to have to change schools and have to deal with all the psychological problems that arouse because of what he did to her. She was so scared of him for all the time that he hurt her and threatened her with knives.
The only reason that she even went to court was because she wanted to make sure that this didnt happen to anyone else (in particular her younger brother) and for her boy cousin who waylon had previously sexually assaulted when waylon was around the age of 12. The only reason that the case ever was pleaded down to a lesser crime was becasue the victim was having so much trouble having to constantly deal with the case and just wanted it to go away.
And to Waylons girlfriend at the time (in case she or anyone ever looks at this again) dont ever fucking talk about how the victim was just trying to get attention and i really hope that you two are still together because he never went to college and has been doing drugs ever since has been in and out of rehab and cant hold a job. so if you are still together than i am sincerly sorry that your life sucks so much but if not i hope that you will someday realize how foolish you were and i hope that you will someday meet someone who has been a sexual abuse victim and then realize what the victim when through.

So for everyone defending Waylon are you still defending him and if so i hope that someday you realize that you did something wrong by doing so. I do/did know him (better than most or all of you that wrote on this) and i can truely tell you that He is a useless person and he DID commit the CRIME!!! And i am positive that if the victim did not tell what happened when she did a lot more would have happened.

If anyone ever reads this, this is the truth!!!
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jeremy.jpgJeremy - Cube Phenomenoligist
06/20/2007 @ 08:44:57 AM
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Wow look at that, 3 years later this story is alive and kicking. We kind of wanted to do a "Where is he now" post, but ultimately we couldn't find any information.

Maybe this will start a brand new flame war.
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flower .jpgPackOne - 1528 Posts
06/20/2007 @ 09:41:35 AM
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Wow. I read every single post on this topic. I also remember the incident and the coverage that followed. I don't wish to dive into the specifics or the personalities involved - but I have several statements.

1) Sexual offenders are trash.
2) I hope the victim has been able to recover and move on with life.
3) I have tried drugs and cigarettes.
4) Whoever used the phrase "douche bag" gets a 5 nutter.
5) I was happy to see no one played a race card.
6) I wish I knew of 3 years ago.
7) Freedom of speech - priceless.
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fry6beeu9.jpgJeremy - 9594 Posts
06/20/2007 @ 09:53:40 AM
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The race card? I think everyone involved was a fellow Honky.
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avatar2345.jpgPackOne - 1528 Posts
06/20/2007 @ 10:11:22 AM
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I guess I shouldn't assume. I just know most honkies can't dunk. This topic must have gotten some serious hits though. Google it - up comes nutcan.
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jeremy.jpgJeremy - 9594 Posts
06/20/2007 @ 11:12:42 AM
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By our standards it was a hit machine. By other sites' standards it wouldn't have been a blip on the radar.
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vignette.bmpCarlos44ec - ...and Bob's your Uncle!
06/20/2007 @ 01:35:09 PM
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I still think:

Aparently the English department of Hudson Schools is LACKING either in skill or attendence.

This whole thing needs to go away.

Of course we all have hearts and hope the innocent victims are ok and recovering.

SOME of us think the guilty and abusive parties (not just "Waylon, but all of them) should have been punished for their crimes. If they have, and they are "mentally stable and can move on" they should do so. SO SHOULD THE REST OF US.

Edit: douche bag... just for the 5 nuts
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Carlos44ec messed with this at 06/20/2007 1:35:42 pm
jon.jpgJon - 3497 Posts
06/21/2007 @ 07:38:27 PM
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Carlos44ec Wrote - 06/20/2007 @ 01:35:09 PM
Aparently the English department of Hudson Schools is LACKING either in skill or attendence.

Apparently, Memorial's is/was lacking a bit as well.

Edit: This is Matt, not Jon. I forgot to sign Jon off and sign in under my name, and yes I see the humor in me making a mistake while in the process of correcting somebody else's.
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Jon perfected this at 06/21/2007 7:43:00 pm
jeremy.jpgJeremy - Always thinking of, but never about, the children.
06/23/2007 @ 01:48:03 AM
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This thread being reopened inspired a new language filter, it's not perfect, but it'll do for now. (p.s. It's only for guests, signed in people will see swearing)
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